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Stefanie Kilts is a digital nomad, photographer and world traveller who embraces the idea that work can be done anywhere. She resides in Morocco where she works remotely as a marketing consultant and as a rug hunter on the side, finding Moroccan handmade items for her Etsy store Maroc Rug Company She writes about her travels on Kilts Creative & Co.

Latest Posts By Stefanie Kilts

8 years ago

Traveling to Morocco for the First Time? Here Are 8 Fun Tips!

I’ve spent a lot of time in Morocco and I’m still happily discovering all its hidden surprises. For the first-time traveller, there are endless discoveries in a culture rich with history and African, Middle Eastern and European influences. Read More

8 years ago

5 Useful Things Boomers Can Learn from Millennials

My dad is a baby boomer. He runs every week with a couple of friends and they often talk about their millennial children.

This group of millennials, including me, are in our late 20s and are a pretty diverse bunch. We have started businesses, travelled the world and lived in exotic locations, changed jobs and moved multiple times and have altogether lived very different lives from our baby boomer parents. Read More