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Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

Latest Posts By Sixty and Me

10 years ago

Are All-Inclusive Vacations Really a Good Deal? Sixty and Me Investigates!

What are all-inclusive vacations? In reality, there are many different ways to define “all-inclusive,” which presents travelers with a challenge. Read More

10 years ago

Upper Body Yoga for Seniors

Is life becoming literally a pain in the neck for you? Yoga for seniors may be able to help! In this article, we will explore several yoga poses, including cow face arms and eagle arms. Read More

10 years ago

Easy Yoga Breathing for Seniors

Each time I begin a new yoga for seniors class, I tell my students that the first thing we’re going to practice is breathing. Students usually laugh when I say this. After all, breathing is something all of us literally do in our sleep. Why take a breathing lesson? However at the end of class, students usually come up and thank me for teaching them how to breathe better. Breathing correctly enhances the ability to concentrate during the day. It also encourages the calm and relaxation necessary for deep sleep at night. Breathing properly during any kind of movement class, including yoga, increases the benefits of movement.

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10 years ago

Senior Travel: How to Find Travel Insurance Over 65

You may have discovered the awful truth. Travel insurance premiums shoot up once you pass your 60th birthday, and some insurance companies won’t cover you at all. Read More

10 years ago

Energizing Yoga for Seniors

Instead of reaching for another cup of coffee next time you have a low energy day, try doing some energizing yoga for seniors. We’ve selected four yoga poses which help dispel fatigue. After performing one or more of these, you’ll feel revved up and ready for the next part of your day. Read More

10 years ago

2 Key Benefits of Yoga that Can Revolutionize Your Health

Since many people first encounter yoga at health clubs, many of us associate it solely with fitness and exercise. However, yoga has long been known in India as a healing practice which benefits people of all ages. Read More

10 years ago

What Are the Best Senior Tours? You May Be Surprised

Once you have decided to go on a group tour, you will need to select a specific destination and itinerary. With so many tour operators to choose from, how do you find the best senior tours? Read More

10 years ago

Looking for the Best Cruise Deals? Here’s How to Get Started

Cruise vacations can offer excellent value, especially if you can book the cruise you want at a good price. Finding the best cruise deals doesn’t have to feel like a game of Whac-A-Mole. All it takes is a little know-how, good information and advance planning.

Before you book your cruise vacation, be sure to do the following… Read More

11 years ago

Senior Travel Tips: How to Find Cheap Accommodation

Hotels are so expensive, but, don’t worry – there are plenty of other places to stay that won’t break the bank. Here are 6 senior travel tips for getting a good deal on the road. Read More

11 years ago

What is Bed Yoga and How Can it Help You?

If someone told you that they had just started doing bed yoga, you might now know what to think. You might wonder if bed yoga could be effective. Well, I’m here to tell you that it is! Read More