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Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

Latest Posts By Sixty and Me

8 years ago

A Letter to Your Younger Self – What Would You Say?

What message would you put on a postcard to your younger self? That was the fantastic question that our community member and guest blogger, Tamera Grieshaber, posted to our conversations section today. In her own words, she said: Read More

8 years ago

Why Bikes and Retirees Are a Perfect Match

Retirees face a litany of unique challenges including staying in shape, keeping mobile, maintaining social connections and much more. While these issues could hinder someone of any age, the older we get, the more trying they can be: injuries from years ago flare up, tired bones creak and worn down joints get weary. Read More

9 years ago

On a Viking River Cruise, It’s the Small Things that Make a Big Difference

When the Program Director of my recent Viking Cruise, Sharon, said that the crew’s goal was to exceed our expectations, I didn’t pay too much attention. After all, who doesn’t claim to exceed their customers’ expectations? Read More

9 years ago

Meet New Friends and Discover New Lands During Women’s History Month

March is National Women’s History Month, when we recognize and celebrate the contributions of women around the world. It’s an ideal time for women to reflect on their lives, set goals, learn something new and explore new opportunities. Read More

9 years ago

The Benefits of Yoga for Seniors: Yoga for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis poses a seeming contradiction for senior citizens trying to maintain bone health.

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9 years ago

Home Remedies That Work (and Some That Don’t)

We’re practically drowning in home remedy advice these days. Everything we eat, drink or use on our bodies seems to be able to cure some ailment (or cause it – it can be difficult to tell).

The trouble, then, is knowing how to separate fact from fiction. Does green tea help prevent skin aging? Is Vaseline toxic? Should we really use coconut oil for everything? Read on and find out… Read More

9 years ago

5 Reasons Viking River Cruises Are an Amazing Value

Ok, let’s get this out of the way. Viking river cruises aren’t cheap. In fact, for most of us, saving for a luxury river cruise is a multi-year process. Read More

9 years ago

Feel More Positive This Year! Tour the Happiest Countries with Road Scholar

If eating exquisite cinnamon buns (kanelbulle) in Denmark, delicious meatballs (köttbullar) in Sweden or fabulous smoked salmon (Rokt laks) in Norway appeals to you, you’ve come to the right place! All of these delicacies are among my favorites too. Read More

9 years ago

Baby Boomers Are the First Digital Retirees

There’s a lot of talk about Millennials (18-34 year olds) being the first generation to be born in the internet age, and all the technological advantages that brings with it. However, we rarely talk about the fact that baby-boomers are the first generation to retire in the digital age. Read More

9 years ago

6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Trying Medical Tourism

Medical tourism involves leaving your home country to seek medical or dental care abroad. This is often done for cost reasons. Alternatively, some people simply want to combine their medical procedures with a well-deserved vacation. Read More