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Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

Latest Posts By Sixty and Me

7 years ago

The Queen Shakes Up London Fashion Week with Surprise Visit (Pictures)

No matter where you are in the world, chances are that your life has been heavily influenced by British culture and design. As a teenager, living in the U.S., I remember being completely in love with the Beatles. I didn’t wash my hands for a week after shaking Paul McCartney’s hand after a concert, but, that’s another story. Read More

7 years ago

Aww! This Sweet Video of a Man Playing Guitar for His Dog Will Make Your Day!

There is no doubt that the women in our community love their pets. They are our best friends, confidants and exercise coaches. They keep us warm on long winter nights and get us out of the house during the sweltering summer heat. Read More

7 years ago

Marriage Rates Among Older Adults Rising Due to This One Heart-Warming Fact

It’s no secret that the concept of marriage has taken a beating in recent years. In movies and on TV, the very idea of tying yourself to someone for life is seen as, at best, antiquated and cute and, at worst, unrealistic and harmful. Read More

7 years ago

Goodbye Hip-Replacement Surgery? New Procedure Helps Hips Heal Themselves

For many older adults, hip surgery is a necessary evil. While none of us wants to go through the difficult rehabilitation process that follows hip-replacement surgery, the alternative is worse by far. So, for the sake of our mobility and future pain-free life, we put our hips in our doctor’s hands and hope for the best. Read More

7 years ago

Helen Mirren Ditches Her Limo, Takes the Bus to Movie Premier

There are many reasons that we love Helen Mirren. She is an amazing actress, with 26 major awards to her name, including one Oscar. She is a champion for women’s rights and an outspoken critic of sexism and ageism. And, as today’s story demonstrates, despite her continued success as an actress, she is a down-to-earth lady who can even make riding the bus look fabulous! Read More

7 years ago

Winchester is a Disappointing Shot in the Dark, But, Helen Mirren Fans Will Watch it Anyway

On the surface, the idea for Winchester has merit. Put one of the most talented actresses in the world in one of the most haunted houses in the world, stir in some dark psychological mysteries and… voila! You have a hit! Read More

7 years ago

Is Retirement Shock Killing Some Seniors? These Researchers Say Yes!

As many of us have learned the hard way, retiring is a shock to the system. Put aside the fact that many of us are forced to retire earlier than we would have liked to. The very act of retiring sends many of us into a stress-induced spin. Read More

7 years ago

New Emojis Let Seniors Express Their Fabulous Silver Selves!

For most kids, letting their parents take a look at their phone messages is about as appealing as going to the dentist. Of course, if you have seen a teenager’s phone recently, you know that they have no reason to worry. They don’t even talk in words! Read More

7 years ago

Response to British Actress’ Comments About Sex After 60 Show How Far We Still Have to Go

Sex after 60, like sex at any age, is a deeply personal experience. Some of us still feel sexual at 60. Others would describe their desires as sensual. Still others would say that they have no interest in physical intimacy at all. That’s ok. Read More

7 years ago

At 65, Liam Neeson Says He Still Feels 40… How Old Do You Feel Inside?

One of the funny things about getting older is that you always feel younger on the inside. In my case, I sometimes feel like a 25-year-old in a 70-year-old’s body. How about you? Read More