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Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

Latest Posts By Sixty and Me

7 years ago

Tips for Getting the Most from Group Adventure Travel

Traveling as a group can be fun – also tricky, awkward and unpredictable. And if you’re looking for adventure, things seem to change a bit. Join us in discussion with travel specialist Shila Desai who has some tips to share about group adventure travel. Enjoy the show! Read More

7 years ago

The Surprising Truth About Living to 100? Focus on These Two Things First!

If I were to ask you to share the secret of living to 100, what would you say? Would you recommend exercising more? Moving to the country, where the air is fresher? Losing weight? Eating better? Read More

7 years ago

Dying for Sleep: Risky Sedative Still Widely Used By Older Adults

When you are having trouble sleeping, everything else in your life suffers. You may feel cranky and irritable. You may have trouble focusing on your work. You may even feel like locking yourself up in your house, avoiding social contact all together.

So, perhaps it’s no surprise that so many of us turn to sedatives when we are having trouble sleeping. After all, things really couldn’t get any worse… right? Read More

7 years ago

At 95, World’s Oldest Hockey Player Has Young Firefighters Quaking in Their Skates!

There’s no denying that ice-hockey can be a tough sport. It’s not something that you would recommend to everyone. It’s definitely not a sport that you would recommend to your 95-year-old dad. Read More

7 years ago

Celine Dion Remembers Her Dad, Reminds Us that Love Never Dies

Losing someone close to us is one of the most difficult things that we can ever go through. Unfortunately, it is also one of the few things that we are all guaranteed to experience at some point in our lives.

I have already said goodbye to both of my parents, so, I know firsthand the pain and confusion that comes when we lose someone special. I still think about them every day. Read More

7 years ago

6 Exciting Ways to Shake Up Your Life

Do you ever feel like your life is stuck in neutral? Do you find yourself wishing for more? You’re not alone! We all feel this way once in a while. This is especially true after 60 when we need to seek out our own sources of passion and adventure. So, today, I want to share 6 exciting ways to shake up your life. I hope they encourage you to find the happiness that you deserve! Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

7 years ago

Going to the Hospital? This Simple Household Object Could Save Your Life, Study Says!

It’s every patient’s nightmare. You go into the hospital to treat one problem… only to catch something even worse, while you are recovering!

It’s easy to dismiss healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) as just a function of other people’s paranoia. After all, hospitals are supposed to be the best places to recover from a serious illness or injury. Surely, people are exaggerating about the dangers of staying in the hospital! Read More

7 years ago

Places to Find Amazing Group Travel Deals for Dynamic Older Adults

Does traveling in a group sound safe or intimidating? It could be both, but you’ll never know until you give it a try. Join us in discussion with travel expert Shila Desai who shares her tips about group travel. Enjoy the show! Read More

7 years ago

Michelle Obama Announces Release Date for “Deeply Personal” Memoir

Like many women who have found themselves in the role of First Lady, Michelle Obama transcends politics. While the world debates whether her husband, Barack Obama was the best president of all time… or the worst, Michelle’s is supremely popular with the majority of Americans.

In fact, as her family departed the White House, in late 2017, Michelle Obama had an approval rating of 68%. That’s according to this Gallup poll. Read More

7 years ago

Grandparents Pay Surprise Visit to Grandson, Brightening His Day… and Ours! (Video)

Like many grandparents, I live in another city (actually, another country) from one of my grandchildren. So, whenever, I am able to visit her, it is a big deal for both of us.

In the days leading up to my visit, I feel a childish sense of anticipation as I think about all of the fun things that we are going to do together. Then, when I arrive, the warm welcome that I receive charges my little grandma batteries with enough joy to last a year! Read More