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Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

Latest Posts By Sixty and Me

6 years ago

Starting a Salary Negotiation After 50? Understand Your BATNA

Starting a salary negotiation in your 50s or 60s can be a terrifying prospect. In many ways, it is like negotiating a salary increase at any other age – you worry about hurting your reputation with your boss, feel awkward about asking for a raise and worry that doing so will hurt your prospects at the company. Read More

6 years ago

Sharing a Cabin on a Singles Cruise? Don’t Make These 7 Horrible Blunders

One of the worst things about taking a cruise alone is having to deal with the dreaded single supplement. As a solo woman traveler, your options are fairly limited. You can either pay 25% to 100% more for the privilege of having your own room. Or, you can find someone to pair up with. Read More

6 years ago

Singles Cruises for Sensible Women: Looking Beyond the Booze and Bravado

When you think about singles cruises, what images enter your mind? Read More

6 years ago

How to Find a Themed Travel Tour That Matches Your Passions Perfectly

Our passions connect us with the world in a special way. They bring us closer to the core of humanity and to each other. Join us in discussion with a travel expert who knows all about themed travel. Enjoy the show! Read More

6 years ago

Looking After Your Money in Retirement: Is a Financial Advisor a Good Person to Know?

You’ve worked hard your entire life and saved responsibly for retirement, but how do you ensure that your nest egg will continue to meet your needs? Who should you ask to help you manage your money in retirement? Financial expert Pam Krueger is going to answer these questions and more. Enjoy the show! Read More

6 years ago

Eye Makeup for Older Women: How to Avoid the Painted Lady Look

Age has never stopped us from wearing eye makeup. But do we know how to apply it so that it flatters our mature skin? Join us in conversation with professional makeup artist Ariane Poole, who has some exciting new techniques to share. Enjoy the show! Read More

6 years ago

Makeup for Older Women: Margaret and Ariane’s Favorites and a Few Surprises!

Shopping at the store around the corner, or at a place on the other side of the planet may reveal some great new products, and that’s always good for enhancing our own self-esteem. Join us to find some of Margaret and Ariane’s new favorites! Enjoy the show! Read More

6 years ago

Makeup for Older Women: Are Expensive Products Really Better?

Makeup can be really expensive, especially if you look at the high end brands. But is it really worth it to spend so much on a single product? Join us in discussion with professional makeup artist Ariane Poole who has some great advice to share. Enjoy the show! Read More

6 years ago

How to Start a Consulting Business After 50: 6 Tips You Need to Know

Before I retired from my corporate career, I thought that starting a business meant finding a big idea, developing a product, hiring staff and setting out to “make the world a better place.” Like most people, I saw the stories of companies like Facebook and Google and believed that starting a company required a hard-to-find combination of business and technical skills. Read More

6 years ago

I Love Floral Tights! Why Fashion After 60 is About Wearing What Makes You Happy

As we age our view of style changes. We are looking for happy, energizing clothes that bring vibrancy into our lives. Join us in conversation with style blogger Mel Kobayashi and prepare to be wowed. Enjoy the show! Read More