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Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

Latest Posts By Sixty and Me

6 years ago

Who Do You Dress Up for? 7 Inspiring Fashion Tips from an 83-Year-Old Model

Many older women believe that the common term which should describe their dress-up style is “age-appropriate.” However, this would mean that fashion has a certain set of rules and that women of a certain age can’t “get away with” following the trends anymore. Read More

6 years ago

Group Adventure Travel for Women Over 60: 7 Tips on How to Maximize Your Experience

Travel is perhaps one of the best ways you can learn about the world and about yourself. Not only do you get a breather from your routine, but you also get to immerse yourself in an entirely different culture and meet new people. Read More

6 years ago

Travel After 60: How A Themed Tour Can Be An Exciting Match For Your Passions!

What do cooking shows, documentaries about history or architecture, or bird-watching have in common? You are bound to find a themed travel tour that can incorporate any one of these passions into a fascinating trip of a lifetime! If you’ve ever been curious to combine your particular interest with a travel adventure, you will really enjoy today’s video with Shila Desai.

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6 years ago

A Quick and Easy Makeup for Mature Women Tutorial… Sparkle in Just 2 Minutes!

Sometimes, when you are running late, with a busy day ahead, you might reluctantly skip steps in your daily routine such as applying makeup. But, it doesn’t have to be this way! Simplifying your makeup routine can help you to have the best of both worlds! Read More

6 years ago

Road Scholar “Get-Togethers” Combine Large Group Camaraderie with Small Group Learning

Road Scholar, the not-for-profit leader in educational travel, offers an incredible depth and breadth of learning adventures for adults for whom learning is the adventure of a lifetime.

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6 years ago

3 Brilliant Ways To Make Travel Over 60 An Unforgettable Adventure

Like many things in life, group and solo travel have their good and bad points. As our today’s guest says, trying to pick one over the other would be like trying to “Choose between day and night.” If you have had a trip in mind but are unsure which travel style you should choose, or are looking for some encouragement to take the big leap, today’s video with Shila Desani might be what you’ve been waiting for! Read More

6 years ago

What’s the Best Eye Makeup for Mature Women? We Have Answers!

There are tons of eye products that we can choose from to enhance our looks. But do we know how and where to apply them? Celebrity makeup artist Ariane Poole is here today to discuss the best techniques and products she has encountered. Enjoy the show! Read More

6 years ago

My Top 10 Cruise Packing Tips… and My New Travel Website!

I have a passion for cruising like many women in our Sixty and Me community. So, I recently started a new website called She Cruises – for women of all ages who love to cruise!

You can find all my She Cruises posts at but I wanted to feature one article that I think is of interest to any woman who is curious about how to prepare and pack. Read More

6 years ago

Benefits of Yoga for Seniors: Yoga for Constipation

Almost everyone knows yoga is great for limbering up tight muscles. Fewer people realize that yoga benefits the organs as well as the muscles. This means yoga can help with the one type of tightness many people are embarrassed to talk about in yoga class – constipation. Read More

6 years ago

Reaching the Seventh Continent: My Journey to Antarctica

There aren’t many places left in the world to feel like a true explorer. Antarctica is one of them.

In early November 2018, I was lucky enough to fulfill a dream and be part of a 13-day learning adventure to Antarctica with Road Scholar — the not-for-profit educational travel organization for adults. Read More