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Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

Latest Posts By Sixty and Me

5 years ago

3 Morning Happiness Rituals to Make You Shine Like the Sun

As the morning goes, so goes the day! At least, that’s how I feel. If my first few hours are bumpy, I always have trouble getting back into a groove for the rest of the day. But, the good news is that there are several things that we can do to give ourselves the best […]

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5 years ago

Dear Me… A Conversation with My 80-Year-Old Self

Learn yoga from the comfort of your favorite chair! Our chair yoga videos are now FREE to watch on YouTube! Enjoy your practice and help us to spread the word!

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5 years ago

How to Stay Cool, Calm and Collected When Traveling

Want to stay mobile, have more energy and even add years to your life? Start your fitness journey today, with our gentle yoga video series. It’s now available FREE on YouTube!

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5 years ago

I’m Not Retiring… I Quit! How the Way You Leave Your Job Can Change Your Life

At any other point in your career, telling your employer that you are quitting without a new job waiting for you is a big mistake. But, I’m here to tell you that there is something far worse than saying “I quit” and that is saying “I’m retiring.” Read More

5 years ago

How Was Your Last High School Reunion?

In the movies, high school reunions are full of drama and unexpected events. Usually, more than one fight breaks out and there is always a technology billionaire that arrives by helicopter. The reality, as most of us know, is much more normal. But, just because our high school reunions can be a bit boring compared […]

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5 years ago

Don’t Be a Clone! Embrace Your Personal Style

There has never been a person just like you in the history of this world. You are wonderfully, perfectly, amazingly unique. So, why should you dress like everyone else? Of course, you shouldn’t! Your clothes should make you look on the outside the way that you feel on the inside! So, in this morning’s video, […]

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5 years ago

Slowing Down is Dying Slowly: Embrace Movement in Retirement and Live!

They say that life in retirement is all about “taking is easy.” They say that we are stuck in our ways, resistant to change and a drain on society.  They say that we are destined for loneliness and social isolation, disease and despair. Read More

5 years ago

How to Accessorize Your Way to a Uniquely Chic Style After 50 (Video and Pictures!)

How do you accessorize your outfit to achieve an elegant style after 50? We have answers! Enjoy this video as Jess Jannenga, a fashion blogger from Elegantly Dressed and Stylish, dishes tips on looking elegant after 50 with brooches, handbags, and shoes. Read More

5 years ago

4 Terrible Financial Mistakes Empty Nesters Make… and How to Fix Them

This is a difficult article for me to write. After all, I’m not writing from a position of strength. Like many of the 1000s of baby boomer women I have talked to since starting Sixty and Me, I made all of the financial mistakes below. Read More

5 years ago

4 Benefits of Going Back to Work as an Older Woman

If you have reached your 60s and have already left the workforce, finding another job is probably the last thing on your mind. But, the truth is, by choice or necessity, more of us than ever are returning to the workforce. So, in this morning’s video, I would like to talk about 4 benefits to […]

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