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Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

Latest Posts By Sixty and Me

5 years ago

You Are Never Too Old To Wear a Smokey Eye (Video Tutorial)

Like many women my age, I don’t wear makeup to make an impression on other people. I wear it to look on the outside the way I feel on the inside. Most of the time, I go for a subtle look, but, there are times (like today) when I feel like being a bit bolder!

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5 years ago

Christie Brinkley is Living Her Best Life at 66 – And You Can, Too!

As we progress through our lives, birthdays often become something that we regard with apathy and indifference or worse yet, dread. But, if we are lucky enough…

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5 years ago

60 Things Women LOVE About Being 60+ Years Old

Turning 60 isn’t exactly something that most women look forward to. Personally, I was 59-years-old for 3-years before finally admitting to the world (and myself) that I had reached this milestone…

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5 years ago

2 Ways to Take a “Practice Retirement” (Either Way Can Change Your Financial Future!)

For most of our lives, retirement is a distant dream. It is the mirage in the desert that keeps us moving forward, one tired step at a time. In our younger years, we look at retired folks with a mixture of jealousy and pity…

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5 years ago

Down with Downsizing: The Art of Rightsizing Before and During Retirement

Few trends have captured the imagination of soon-to-be retirees with as much force as downsizing. In fact, if you read most retirement blogs or books, downsizing feels like it is almost a prerequisite to moving into the next phase of your life. The truth, as I have found by managing a community of 500,000 recent retirees, is more complicated.  Read More

5 years ago

How to Use Self-Massage to Improve Your Happiness After 60 – 3 Ways to Get Started

There are so many benefits of massage for everyone, and, particularly as we age, we need to think about giving our bodies and joints a bit more care than in our younger years. It’s not just about looking after our bodies. We also need to…

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5 years ago

Is Our Fear of Financial Risk Killing Our Retirement Dreams? You Bet!

If there is one thing that financial advisors, the media and seniors agree on it is that “the older you get, the less risk you should take with your money.” On the surface, this advice makes perfect sense. After all, having 100% of your money in stocks, one year before retirement could have disastrous consequences… especially if the market dips right before you start to cash out your savings. Read More

5 years ago

Get Rid of Your Chapped Lips and Give Your Aging Skin the Love it Deserves

For most of us, dryer, thinner lips are an unavoidable part of the aging process – not to mention a telltale sign of our advancing years! In spite of this, they’re also often the most neglected part of even the strictest beauty regimes. The good news is that…

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5 years ago

Laugh More and Leak Less: 7 Natural Ways to Reduce Bladder Leaks at Any Age

If you think bladder leaks are only a problem for older adults, think again. I, for one, had my first memorable bladder leak in high school. And memorable it was; I was mortified at the thought that someone might have noticed and I slinked off to the bathroom, clenching my legs together as I went…

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5 years ago

The “Experts” Say We’re Too Old to Wear These… But, I Think YOU’LL Love Them!

What are the one or two clothing items that you couldn’t live without? What do you think of the “experts” who tell us that we are too old to wear certain things? Let’s have a chat!

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