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Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

Latest Posts By Sixty and Me

4 years ago

My “Believe Beauty” Affordable Makeup for Older Women Tutorial Will Cheer You Up!

Today, I thought that I would take a break from serious topics and focus on something a bit more fun – makeup! After all, we could all use a little cheering up!

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4 years ago

3 Tips for Taking Care of Your Dry Hands and Cuticles After 60

One common problem every woman battles as they age are dry hands and cuticles. We’ve used our hands in a variety of ways for decades and regardless of how carefully we might have taken care of them, age causes our skin to change. Read More

4 years ago

How to Crush an Overdraft Fee in Under 5-Minutes… I Did it and You Can Too!

No matter how much money we make, most of us go through life without really ever getting control of our finances. While we are building our careers, we worry more about increasing our income than decreasing our costs…

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4 years ago

4 Critical Topics to Raise with Your Financial Planner in the Final Years Before Retirement

Read any retirement planning book these days and one piece of advice will stand out – start saving early! Well, this is all well and good, but, the truth is that many of us are already in the final years before retirement…

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4 years ago

3 Big Fears that Stop Seniors from Renting their Home on Airbnb (and How to Deal with Them)

I am a BIG believer in passive income. Why? Because, in today’s low interest environment, $1 in yearly passive income can be worth $20 in retirement savings (or more!) So, even if you have never thought of yourself as an entrepreneurial person…

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4 years ago

11 Essential Oils to Clean and Freshen Your Air at Home – Plus They Just Smell GREAT!

One thing that has become so clear to us over the last few weeks is that our home environments can have a huge impact on our health and happiness. Even small changes, like adding plants to our homes, or using essential oils to freshen the air, can make a huge difference. So, today, I want […]

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4 years ago

Makeup After 60: The Secret to Applying Blush and Bronzer

As women age, they start to notice that they lose pigment in their skin. This is why you may notice that your skin tends to look a bit dull or sallow in your 50s and 60s. However, with the right makeup products…

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4 years ago

4 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Retiring Abroad as an American

About 10 years ago, I left my comfortable life in the U.S. behind and boarded a plane to retire abroad… first in the U.K. and, eventually, in Switzerland. As I stood there with 8 suitcases to my name, I could not have imagined…

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4 years ago

4 Retirement Crushing Mistakes We Make in Our 50s and 60s and How to Avoid Them

When we think about retirement planning mistakes, most of us think of things like “not starting to save young enough,” “taking on too much debt,” “not buying a house,” or “not saving 10%.” What these mistakes have in common is that they are all things that we do (or don’t do!) in our 20s, 30s and 40s. Read More

4 years ago

Fashion at Home: Using Color to Uplift Your Spirit in the Lockdown

We think of fashion over 60, or, fashion at any age for that matter, as being primarily a tool for getting the attention of others. But, in my opinion, our fashion choices are really a reflection of how we feel about ourselves…

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