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Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

Latest Posts By Sixty and Me

4 years ago

You Won’t Believe the Retirement Property (Mansion!) These 7 Women Bought Together

What do you do if you have modest savings but want to live like a millionaire in retirement? You could play the lottery (bad idea!) Or, you could follow the example of these 7 Chinese retirees, who pooled their money to buy a breathtakingly…

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4 years ago

How to Fight Loneliness: Advice From 50 Real Women

Loneliness is a big issue for older women. With our children out of the house, many of the “automatic” relationships that supported us in the past are no longer available. In addition, many of us have gone through a divorce or lost our partner. So, today, I want to share some advice from 50 of […]

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4 years ago

Dear Boomers: Is Your Generosity Making You Poor?

If you are a Millennial reading this title (unlikely, I know!), you’re probably thinking “What the heck is this old woman talking about? Boomers are selfish and rich…

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4 years ago

Older Adults Are Spending Epic Amounts on Home Renovations… But, it Won’t Matter if We Don’t Do This!

For most of our lives, home renovations involve making our home more exciting, inviting and valuable. New decks make room for summer BBQ fun, kitchen refreshes give us room…

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4 years ago

World to Retirees: You’re on Your Own! (Here’s How to Take Control!)

There was a time, not so long ago, when retirees could expect to live comfortably on their previous employer’s defined-benefit pension plan. With their monthly payments…

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4 years ago

Express Your Unique Self! Fashion Accessories for Magnificent Mature Women

As more candles are added to your birthday cake each year, you may start to accumulate more and more retired trinkets in your treasure chest. Women maturing into older age tend to shy away from the style they have built over the years and see trends as something they can no longer keep up with. Read More

4 years ago

Fashion After 50: Sparkle and Save by Reusing the Same Items in Creative Ways (Video)

Great style has nothing to do with age. It’s possible to enjoy style and fashion no matter how old you are. Sometimes, though, women who reach a “certain age” think that there’s little point in dressing up anymore. We might think, “Who would stop and bother to notice an older woman’s ensemble?” Read More

4 years ago

How to Deal with Damaged Hair after 60 (A Stylist Gives Her Advice)

For nearly every woman on earth, our hair is our crowning glory, no matter how old we are! As time passes, you might have noticed your hair undergoing changes, such as becoming thinner or not as shiny as it was before. Chances are that it has changed color as well! Read More

4 years ago

How to Keep Your Aging Body Flexible (The Easy Way!)

Do you get out of bed in the mornings and wonder where your get up and go… got up and went? Most women find that, as they hit the half century mark, they aren’t as flexible as they once were…

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4 years ago

Frugal (and Fun!) Fashion Over 60: How to Spend Less and Reuse More!

If you love fashion but have a conservative clothing budget, do you feel as if you must forgo new styles and accessories? Does it take a lot of money to look terrific or can you be frugal and still have fun?

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