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Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

Latest Posts By Sixty and Me

4 years ago

4 Reasons to Ditch Your Car in Your 50s or 60s (Only One is Financial!)

Do you remember the sense of freedom that you had the first time you got in your own car and turned the keys? The world suddenly became smaller as your mind raced with possibilities for adventure and exploration…

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4 years ago

5 Reasons Your 50s Are the Perfect Time to Start a Business

People love stories, especially when they reinforce our own beliefs and prejudices. This is true in life and in business. Well, today, I want to talk about one narrative that is not only killing our dreams as older adults but is also damaging our economy – the story of the young, hacker entrepreneur.

Like the protagonist of Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero with a Thousand Faces,” we have heard the story of what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur a hundred times. Read More

4 years ago

Day Creams, Night Creams, What’s the Difference? (Especially for Mature Skin!)

They both moisturize, but day and night creams are specifically formulated to meet the varying environmental and biological experiences our skin goes through 24 hours a day. It’s a question many of us ask: Do I really need a different moisturizer at night? Simply put, yes, you do. The focus of your daytime skincare products […]

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4 years ago

3 Massive Reasons Not to Make a Big Deal About Your Upcoming Retirement at Work

How do you picture your retirement party at work? Do you imagine a room filled with champagne, laughter and plenty of stories celebrating your greatness? Or, do you picture half-a-dozen distracted co-workers standing in the break-room drinking $5 prosecco from plastic cups, glancing periodically at their watches as they try to determine whether they have spent enough time to be able to make a polite excuse so that they can get back to watching cat videos or writing emails? Read More

4 years ago

Waiting Until Retirement to Find Your First Consulting Gig is a HUGE Mistake! 4 Ways to Start Early

In a previous article, I argued that announcing your retirement at work is one of the biggest financial mistakes that you can make. Not only can talking about your retirement result in lower compensation towards the end of your career, but, it can also limit your ability to work as a consultant, either for your ex-employer or one of the companies that you worked with in the past. Read More

4 years ago

Want to Make Extra Money in Retirement as a Freelance Writer? (Here’s a Better Idea)

Over the last 6 years, I have spent over $50,000 on freelance writing services. I have hired $100-per-hour specialists and $6 per hour transcribers. I have worked with some of these freelancers for so long that they feel like friends. Others have provided work so poor that I didn’t even bother to post it. Read More

4 years ago

Want to Keep Your Brain Healthy After 60? This Psychiatrist Has Some Tips

Have you ever wondered how you can keep your brain healthy? Psychiatrist and author John Ratey shares amazing information about the power exercise has over the brain. Enjoy the show! Read More

4 years ago

5 Surprising Ways to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor, Especially After 50

I loved my biology classes in middle and high school. And, while I devoured lectures on the heart, lungs, and intestines, we must have skipped the pelvic floor chapter. Did you, too? Turns out, it’s pretty essential, especially to make sure you pee…

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4 years ago

7 “Jobs for Teens” that Are Actually Great “Jobs for Seniors!”

My first “real” job was as a waitress at a pizza joint in Boulder, Colorado. But, like many kids of my generation, my childhood was filled with odd jobs – delivering newspapers, babysitting and cleaning…

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4 years ago

I Just Skipped Dinner… and Gave My Grandson $248,910 for His Retirement

In some ways, retirement planning is fiendishly complicated. You have to guess how long you will live. You need to decide on the right balance of risk and reward for your investments. And, of course, you have to find the money to save in the first place!

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