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Shirley Goldberg is the author of Middle Ageish and Eat Your Heart Out, both romantic women’s fiction with seasoned characters. Her website,, offers a humorous look at living single and dating in mid life. Shirley’s friends nag her to tell them which stories are true in her novels.

Latest Posts By Shirley Goldberg

5 years ago

Ready to Start Online Dating After 50? Be Prepared to Meet These Guys, But Would You Date Them?

A friend of mine in her early 60s was surprised when a man she met for the first time for a coffee date asked if she’d like to get together for dinner the following Saturday. Read More

6 years ago

Hanging Out with Your Male Friend After 50 – Are Friendships with Testosterone a Good Idea?

We are a group of seven women of a certain age, sitting around the dinner table (yes, there is wine), talking about relationships. Since we don’t know one another that well, there are lots of questions. Read More