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Shirley Goldberg is the author of Middle Ageish and Eat Your Heart Out, both romantic women’s fiction with seasoned characters. Her website,, offers a humorous look at living single and dating in mid life. Shirley’s friends nag her to tell them which stories are true in her novels.

Latest Posts By Shirley Goldberg

12 months ago

Don’t Give Up Dating Over 50: 10 Ways to Connect with a Guy Who “Clicks”

You’ve gone on 14 first meets and you’re done. You’ve had it. This online dating thing isn’t working. It isn’t working and you’re fine with that. You’ve got a life – a great life. Friends, grown kids, grandkids; you love hanging out with them…

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2 years ago

What I’ve Learned from the Men in My Life That Women Often Miss (Even After 50)

The reality of stepping out there after a long hiatus – whether you’re divorced or widowed – is anxiety-producing. But what I’ve learned about myself and about men couldn’t have been experienced otherwise…

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2 years ago

Dos and Don’ts to Keep in Mind When Dating: How to Kill It on a First Meet

I remember my first ever online-booked meet. I can still picture walking up to the door of the restaurant and pulling it open. It was late afternoon, and the sun blinded me for a moment. A few guys at the bar swiveled around on their barstools to check out the newcomer…

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2 years ago

Dating Tips for Mature Women: 7 Signs He’s Bad for You (and 7 He’s Got it Bad for You!)

If a guy really likes you, he wants to be with you. Common sense. But what about in the beginning, before it’s a relationship. How do you know a man is interested then? At our age, it’s not like you’ll see him in fourth period English…               

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2 years ago

What I’ve Learned from My 95-Year-Old Mom About Relationships

The best fight my parents ever had was the day my father tried to outrun my mom in their own house. Before I get into the story, there’s something I should share about Annie, my mom. She’s slow to anger and she’s not a yeller…

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2 years ago

Older and Dating Online? 5 Ways to Stop Taking Things Personally

“Don’t take things personally,” a good friend said years ago, back when I started internet dating. “He doesn’t know you.” I was younger then, and more stubborn. “How can I not take it personally? We went out and he didn’t call. It’s personal…”

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3 years ago

Want to Finally Succeed at Dating Over 60? Make This One Attitude Shift

I recently had another of those relationship discussions with a few single friends. What they have in common is, they all have plunged into online dating. And everyone agrees that online dating is more painful than a dental scaling and root…

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3 years ago

4 Things I Learned About Relationships from My Characters

When I started guest blogging for Sixty and Me, I had no clue two of my main characters would beg to join me. But Sunny Chanel (Middle Ageish) and Dana Narvana (Eat Your Heart Out) insisted. Besides, I have a secret…

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4 years ago

9 Original Dating Ideas for Covid Times

The old “Would you like to go out for dinner?” isn’t appropriate these days, but don’t give up. Especially if you talked or “met” on a dating site before Covid but didn’t have a chance to get together. The important thing is, he’s nice…

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4 years ago

8 Ways to Date Your Friends and Narrow Your Distancing

With everything going on in our world these days, friends are essential to our health. I don’t have family nearby, so maintaining my friendships is especially important, especially those friendships with history…

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