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Sherry Bronson is a writer and traveler. After downsizing, she spent ten thrilling years in Bali, then a year exploring Mexico. Now, she's in northern Minnesota rehabbing a derelict hunting cabin on the family farm. On her blog, Sherry encourages readers to fearlessly and fully live their own authentic lives.

Latest Posts By Sherry Bronson

5 years ago

Do You Love the Holidays? Do You Embrace them Even if You Don’t?

There are two kinds of people: those who adore the time-tested holiday traditions, the shopping, the wrapping, the cooking, the expectations… and those who, for whatever reason, don’t. Of those who don’t, there are the ones who carry on anyway…

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5 years ago

Turning 60 is an Opportunity to Change Your Life for the Better

When I said I was moving to Bali, someone asked, “What are you running from?” The question struck me as odd. I wasn’t running from, I was running to. After years of doing for others this was for me, my great adventure. It was also a test. Could I survive the loneliness that was sure to come? Read More

6 years ago

An Insider’s Guide to Retiring in Bali

I retired in Bali… can you?

Retirement crept up on me. I had excellent health, meager savings and a severe case of age-appropriate denial. Then, three friends died of cancer within eighteen months. I wasn’t yet sixty-one. All younger than I, they had unrealized dreams and unfinished lives. Read More

6 years ago

4 Questions to Help You Beat the Blues

Recently, a friend had a phone call from someone she’d met several years ago. They had enjoyed a number of conversations over coffee back then, but the man was married with a family. In her mind they were just friends. Read More

7 years ago

Grandmother Remembers: What 3 Things Would You Pass on to Your Grandkids?

The 27-hour flight back to Bali from the U.S. socked it to me this time. So, while I was un-jetlagging and housebound, I rummaged through reading material, organized drawers and, in the process, stumbled upon Grandmother Remembers. Read More

8 years ago

Should Grandmas Move to Be Near Their Grandchildren?

Will I go or will I stay? I found out last November that my first grandchild was on the way. As I shared the news with close friends, they were quick to ask, “Will you move back?” Family members in the U.S. wanted to know the same thing…

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8 years ago

Mama Bear Instincts Send New Grandma Into Attack Mode

Growing up we lived several miles from the nearest town. I wandered the woods and rocky cliffs along the Mississippi River. At six or seven years old, Mother sent me with an empty honey pail to pick wild strawberries in the meadow or blueberries in the marsh. I never thought to be afraid. Read More

8 years ago

It’s Not Easy Being Green… Remember Kermit the Frog?

There were 6 of us in the car as we chatted our way to one of Bali’s beach towns for a girls’ day out. Don’t ask me to retrace the conversational trail and tell you how we got there, but someone said, “Do you remember Kermit the Frog?” Without missing a beat I started to sing, It’s not easy being green… but stopped in mid-breath. Read More

8 years ago

Do You Love Cooking? Or Are You a Closet Non-Foodie, Like Me?

Do you love cooking? Or, are you a non-foodie in a food centric world? Yes? Then, like me, you would avoid the Annual Food Festival in Ubud. But, this year, it caught me unaware.

Out for a walk, I found myself in a snarl of pedestrian traffic. I had little choice but to join the crowd. I was Alice tumbling down a rabbit hole headfirst into foodie wonderland. Read More