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Sherry Bronson is a writer and traveler. After downsizing, she spent ten thrilling years in Bali, then a year exploring Mexico. Now, she's in northern Minnesota rehabbing a derelict hunting cabin on the family farm. On her blog, Sherry encourages readers to fearlessly and fully live their own authentic lives.

Latest Posts By Sherry Bronson

5 months ago

Overcoming Your Fears Requires You to See Through Their Lies

Many articles written for Sixty and Me are about the things we fear as we age. Losing our looks. Losing our partner. Losing our health. Losing our money. Losing our independence. Losing our friends. Losing our mind. Losing our interest in life…

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6 months ago

Don’t Put Off Making the Hard Choices

This week I was faced with the task of filling out an Advanced Directive document. It’s the paperwork that lets others know how I want to die. Do I want to be resuscitated? Well… that depends… However, the questions do not include case scenarios…

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6 months ago

The Myth of the Silk Purse: How to Keep Your Vision

I was living in Mexico in 2022, contemplating a return to the U.S., when my sister emailed asking if I would be interested in a derelict hunting shack on the property abutting the family farm where she and her husband live…

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7 months ago

The Too Big, Too Hard, Too Sad House

Aging brings many surprises. Sometimes, it’s a slow advance. It creeps up; a twinge, almost imperceptible the first time. Then a creak. We start slowing down to accommodate new aches, encroaching weariness, and shorter…

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7 months ago

Addressing the Culture of Clothing

I have several suitcases full of summer clothes that I may never wear again. I loved them once. Still do, in fact. My body hasn’t changed. My mind hasn’t changed. Minnesota has hot summers so the climate isn’t dictating that decision…

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7 months ago

Feeling Stuck? Unlock the Answers Within

I collect magazines. It doesn’t matter how old or out of date they are, as long as they have pictures, they work for me. Friends know about my penchant and pass on their publications when they’ve finished with them. I’ve amassed a stunning variety…

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7 months ago

Accepting the Face in the Mirror

I was in my early 50s when I went to South Korea to visit my daughter who was teaching English at Yeugnam University in Taegu. We were invited to the home of the head of her department and served soju, a drink guaranteed…

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8 months ago

Never Be Invisible Again! 3 Secrets to Being Seen After 60

There’s a rumor circulating that after a certain age women disappear. Not literally, of course, but for all practical purposes many older women feel overlooked, dismissed and ignored. Curiosity drove me to investigate why some…

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12 months ago

A Recipe for Radically Reinventing Yourself in Midlife

Are you in the market for a seismic shake-up that re-calibrates you from the inside out? Something more lasting than a new purse, a different hair color, the latest raw food or green juice diet? About the time we reach our fifties, awareness shifts…

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1 year ago

Writing Your Life Story, One Magical Memory at a Time

You’re a Boomer, so what? So you’re retired, or at least retirement is on your radar. Studies have shown that the average retired person has 7.5 hours of leisure time every day. It’s a beautiful thing if you’re a golfer or live in a climate where you can putter…

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