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Sheri Saxe is a psychotherapist with a focus on helping women to accept and integrate their painful experiences and blossom into new life. This is called radical acceptance. She has a passion for wilderness backpacking, meditation, and being a grandmother. She is the founder of the blog Seasoned Women Over Sixty

Latest Posts By Sheri Saxe

5 months ago

Do You Ever Feel Like a Failure in Your 60s?

I sat bolt upright in the middle of the night and suddenly felt I was drowning in my own inadequacies. From different corners of my mind I was hearing, “Lazy! Weak! Running out of money!”

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2 years ago

3 Ways to Bring Radical Acceptance into Your Life After 60

Oh, how we wish for things to be different: Our bodies strong and healthy and, preferably, slim. Our children stable and successful; our grandchildren happy and thriving. Loved ones alive and healthy. Our marriages deeply loving…

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2 years ago

5 Fool-Proof Tips for Surviving the Holidays

Aaahh, the smell of roasting turkey. Sounds of jingle bells and children’s red-cheeked laughter. Visions of shiny wrapping paper and sparkly trees and glowing menorahs. Joy and connection. The happiest time of the year. Except when it isn’t…

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2 years ago

Self-Imposed Change in Your 60s: Do You Really Need It and What Are the Benefits?

On this fresh, cool, sun-dappled morning, I feel washed clean, full of clarity and determined to make some needed changes in my post-60 life. This state of mind came to me through some tough work over the past 10 days…

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3 years ago

7 Ways to Face Your Shadow Side and Express Your True Self After 60

A few years ago, an older, well-dressed woman walked into my therapy office. She seemed agitated. Nervously, she told me that she was unable to eat or sleep because she was troubled by sexual fantasies about her best friend’s husband…

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3 years ago

Feeling Despair, Fear or Worry After 60? You Are Not Alone!

Getting to 60 has taught us to be optimists. Look on the bright side. Whistle a happy tune. Be very grateful for the good in our lives. When we feel down, we distract ourselves. These are effective, solid strategies, true secrets for living a good life…

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4 years ago

Why Backpacking Is the Perfect Way to Let Go of Time, Worries and Other People’s Needs

Have you ever had the urge to enter the wilderness with a backpack, but dismissed it as an impossibly silly dream, because you felt too old and out of shape? I am here to tell you that you can do it! You don’t need to be young, thin, athletic or tough…

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4 years ago

What’s All the Hullabaloo about Mindfulness Meditation?

I sit on my living room floor, in front of the fire, after my morning tea. This is my time; time to slow my breath, relax my body and just be present. This is my way of soothing my mind and releasing the tension in my body. Nothing fancy…

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4 years ago

Co-Mothering Your Teenage Grandkids? 3 Ways to Manage the Worry

There are grandmothers raising their grandchildren, living with them, feeding them, doing it all. And there are grandmothers simply enjoying their grandchildren from a distance, whether across the country or across town…

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5 years ago

Try Looking at Your Life Differently!

If you practice yoga, you might be familiar with the positions called inversions that flip our bodies head down and feet up. Mentally, these positions can encourage us to turn our beliefs upside down and try an entirely fresh perspective…

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