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Sharon Blumberg is a psychological coach, facilitator of change and a triathlete. Because of her work, she has received numerous awards and recognitions. Sharon has a deep commitment to mitigating age and gender bias in the community. She believes everyone has the right to remain relevant, resilient and remarkable. Visit her site at

Latest Posts By Sharon Blumberg

2 years ago

Where Does Your Inspiration Come From?

Insights and understanding come from the places you least expect. Everyone needs to be reminded that they are never too old and it is never too late to lead a relevant, resilient, radiant, and remarkable life. Though age and gender bias…

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2 years ago

7 Remarkable Ways to Help You Thrive After 60 (That You Probably Didn’t Consider)

At the beginning of the growing season, I purchased a beautiful flowering plant. It grows tall and its blooms are bright. The hot summer sun seemed to thwart its growth. I thought, “Well, that was a short blooming season…”

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4 years ago

Operation Resilience: Possibilities During This Time of Uncertainty, Fear, and Ambiguity

Over the last several months, everyone everywhere has lost someone or something. People have lost their lives or livelihood. The coronavirus continues to spread worldwide and impact millions. No one is without some…

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4 years ago

Caregiving and Care Receiving Equal Resilience in Action

As you know, fear and stress on the body can accumulate over time. It imprints in ways that you may not be prepared for, through the subtle and cumulative impressions of our experiences on our body and mind. It does not feel good at all. Read More

4 years ago

Grief in Isolation: The Real Face of Covid and 7 Ways That Help Me Cope

Over the last months, everyone everywhere has lost someone or something. The whole world is suffering as the virus that causes Covid-19 continues to spread and impact millions. Like so many thousands around the world…

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4 years ago

My Corona Chronicles: Surviving Through 3 Weeks of Calamity to Find My Inner Strength and Resilience

I was going to write about my delayed midlife crisis. Delayed because unless I live to be over 120 years, it was not really ‘midlife’. Now, it seems silly to write about something…

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