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Shari Broder retired from being a health coach. She recorded a whole lot of podcast episodes on her Weight Loss for Foodies podcast before she unplugged from work and decided to travel the world instead. She has extensive experience working with foodies who want to be a healthy weight. She's taught women how to ditch diets, stop emotional eating, and enjoy the foods they love while losing their desire to overeat along with their excess weight. All resources on her website are free.

Latest Posts By Shari Broder

4 years ago

The One Thing You Must Do to Permanently Lose Weight After 60

If you could do just one thing to lose weight and keep it off, would you do it? What if I told you that you wouldn’t have to give up carbs? Or sugar! You wouldn’t have to follow a diet, or count calories or even exercise daily. No special…

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4 years ago

Trying to Lose Weight After 60? Here Are 3 Steps for Dealing with the Impulsive Urge to Eat

One of the biggest challenges for people trying to lose weight is what to do when they feel like eating but aren’t hungry. That’s the main reason people are overweight – because they don’t eat in response to their hunger and fullness signals…

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4 years ago

How to Manage Pandemic Anxiety to Avoid Weight Gain and Stress

Have you been experiencing surges of anxiety pretty much daily since the pandemic started? Or maybe you’re feeling a low level buzz of stress. Your brain may be swirling with all kinds of “what ifs” that you can’t answer…

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5 years ago

Hate the Gym? Here Are 9 Fun Exercise Options for Older Women

I don’t have to convince you that exercise is a necessary component of healthy aging. It can lower blood pressure, improve cardio health, lower your risk of certain cancers and arthritis, prevent osteoporosis…

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5 years ago

Enjoy Holiday Eating Without Gaining Weight With this Simple Mindset Hack

When you think of the holidays, is food one of the first things that comes to mind? Some of us can’t wait to cook, bake and eat all of those things we don’t make the rest of the year. Read More

7 years ago

5 Ways to Lose Weight and Improve Your Digestion with Mindfulness

Eating mindfully is the single most effective way to lose weight and to maintain a healthy weight throughout your life. But did you know that it will also get rid of many digestive problems? Read More

7 years ago

4 Guidelines for Losing Weight After 60… and Keeping it Off!

Okay, I admit it. I don’t like rules. Especially unnecessary ones, which to me describes most rules.

When my kids were young, they loved a book by Patricia MacLachlan called Seven Kisses in a Row. In it, the protagonist says that in her house, “We only have three rules. That’s enough. Number one: Be kind. Number two: no kicking or biting. Number three: any rule can be changed.” Read More

7 years ago

Which Comes First, Happiness or Weight Loss After 60?

When I start working with a woman who wants to lose weight, I always ask her why. What will be different when you reach your weight goal? Read More

8 years ago

Want to Lose Weight After 60? Ignore This Commonly Accepted Advice!

Despite about one-third of Americans being overweight, there’s no shortage of diet advice available, especially on the Internet. Some of it is just plain bad. Some of it is completely outrageous. Read More

8 years ago

5 Simple Tips for Managing Your Emotions

Being an emotional person can be both a blessing and a curse. I know this from first-hand experience. So does my family! Read More