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Shari Broder retired from being a health coach. She recorded a whole lot of podcast episodes on her Weight Loss for Foodies podcast before she unplugged from work and decided to travel the world instead. She has extensive experience working with foodies who want to be a healthy weight. She's taught women how to ditch diets, stop emotional eating, and enjoy the foods they love while losing their desire to overeat along with their excess weight. All resources on her website are free.

Latest Posts By Shari Broder

2 years ago

Want to Stop Emotional Eating? Ask Yourself These 6 Questions

Have you ever thought about the tiny number of things over which we have actual control? There are so many things in life that go on regardless of us actually ‘doing’ anything to make them happen…

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2 years ago

Dos and Don’ts for Losing Weight Without Dieting After 50

You’re trying to lose weight, maybe for the third time. Or maybe it’s the 30th. But you really want it to be the last time. You’d love to finally put the kibosh on this post-menopausal weight gain once and for all! You’ve been down this road before…

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2 years ago

4 Steps for Managing Food Cravings While Eating What You Love

Do you often get the urge to eat when you aren’t hungry? Do you find yourself having lots of cravings for certain foods? The inability to manage cravings can be the downfall of the best efforts of many people who want to lose weight…

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2 years ago

8 Common Weight Loss Mistakes Women Over 60 Make

I’m not going to lie. Losing weight over 60 is harder and takes longer than it was when we were younger. Our metabolism slows down, and even if you’ve kept in shape, you may not be able to move your body…

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2 years ago

5 Ways Inadequate Sleep Can Undermine Your Weight Loss Efforts After 60

Do you have some days when you feel hungry all day, no matter what you eat? That might be because you didn’t get enough sleep the night before. What does the amount of sleep have to do with your weight?

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3 years ago

Truth or Myth: Boosting Metabolism for Weight Loss

Any promise of miraculous weight loss is not true. There is no magic way to lose weight. You cannot eat all the food you want whenever you want it and still lose weight. Any products promising unbelievably fast weight loss are a scam, and are very likely dangerous…

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3 years ago

How to Manage Your Emotions Instead of Eating to Avoid Them

We’re all feeling such an array of emotions this year. If you’ve been eating to avoid the discomfort of some of them, then you’ve likely gained weight. What you’re doing is emotional eating, and that is the biggest cause of overeating…

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3 years ago

12 Excuses for Overeating and Why They’re Nonsense

Do you have a collection of excuses you repeatedly use to justify eating when you aren’t hungry? Or continuing to eat when you’ve already had enough? Your decision to eat is always preceded by a thought, even if you barely notice the thought…

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3 years ago

10 Silly Stories That Stop You from Losing Weight After 60

What stories do you tell yourself that keep you from losing weight? We all have our little stories, like the things we believe about ourselves and our relationship with food and weight loss. But what if you did question them? I bet you’d find out…

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3 years ago

Surf Those Urges to Eat When You Aren’t Hungry

Do you get the urge to eat when you’re not hungry, and just give in? Do you think you can’t stop doing this because you don’t have any willpower? The fact is that you don’t have to have willpower to make the decision not to eat when you’re tempted to do so…

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