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Shari Broder retired from being a health coach. She recorded a whole lot of podcast episodes on her Weight Loss for Foodies podcast before she unplugged from work and decided to travel the world instead. She has extensive experience working with foodies who want to be a healthy weight. She's taught women how to ditch diets, stop emotional eating, and enjoy the foods they love while losing their desire to overeat along with their excess weight. All resources on her website are free.

Latest Posts By Shari Broder

5 months ago

6 Steps to Change Your Limiting Beliefs to Lose Weight

Are you stuck in the same pattern of dieting, losing a few pounds, and gaining the weight back? What’s getting in your way? It’s probably your beliefs about food and eating. We tend to hang onto a lot of beliefs about ourselves and the world…

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7 months ago

7 Steps to Get Out of Your Own Way… So You Can Get More from Life After 60

Have you vowed a million times to stop doing certain things, but you keep doing them anyway? Like, you swore you were going to lose some weight and stop snacking in front of the TV after dinner, but you still do it?

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10 months ago

7 Liberating Truths That Will Keep Your Aging Body from Unhealthy Diets, Detoxes, and Cleanses This New Year

It’s that time of the year. Over the Holidays, people indulge on food like it’s their last meal while planning how, after New Year’s Day, they are going to start a new diet and lose weight. Many will attempt the latest cleanse, detox, diet craze, or diet…

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10 months ago

How to Enjoy Holiday Food Without Gaining Weight (And Maybe Even Losing a Little!)

We’ve now entered the holiday season. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus or the New Year, you’ll likely celebrate with all kinds of delicious food. Maybe some of these foods you only prepare during the holidays…

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11 months ago

Why Keeping an Eating Journal Is Key for Permanent Weight Loss

Do you keep a record of what you eat? Why would anyone want to bother to keep an eating journal each day? If you want to keep your weight down but still enjoy the foods you love and stay off the diet hamster wheel…

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12 months ago

What You Need to Know About Night Eating After 60

One issue with which many of my clients struggle is eating at night, after they have had dinner. I hear things like: “My husband and I watch TV and snack after dinner.” “I feel mildly hungry around 9-ish, and am afraid that if I don’t eat…

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1 year ago

Do You Overeat to Avoid Wasting Food? It Could Stop You from Losing Weight After 60

Do you feel compelled to eat everything on your plate because you feel guilty “wasting” food, even if it means feeling too full and overeating? If you’re an over-60 like me, you grew up in the generation of people who were told as a child…

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1 year ago

What is Your Hunger for? More Pleasure in Your Life or Food?

As women, it has almost become a cliché that we take care of the rest of the world but don’t do a great job taking care of ourselves. We’re so busy looking after everyone else that we often place ourselves at the bottom of the list…

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2 years ago

How to Create New Eating Habits for Permanent Weight Loss

Are you sick and tired of hopping on and off the diet hamster wheel, but you want to be a comfortable, healthy weight? If you are serious about losing weight, the only way to get permanent results is by changing your eating habits…

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2 years ago

4 Ways to Do What You Should Instead of What You Want

So you’ve decided you’re going to finally lose those post-menopausal pounds. Starting today, you’re going to eat better. You make a yummy salad and bring it to work for lunch. You vow to cut down on sweets and exercise for an hour three times a week…

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