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Sandra Feaster is fascinated by behaviour change, i.e., what makes one person get off the couch while another stays on it. She’s a runner, entering the world of triathlons at 64. Her goal is to help others make the change to get off the couch and start moving. Visit her at

Latest Posts By Sandra Feaster

2 years ago

What Is Sarcopenia and How Can Older Adults Prevent Its Tragic Impacts?

You may ask, what is sarcopenia? Is it a disease, an insect or food? Is it something we should fear? The answer is, “Yes and No.” The name itself sounds gross, but no, it is not a disease, insect, or food…

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5 years ago

How to Avoid Getting Sick Over the Holidays: 2 Simple Tips for Women Over 55

Ever wonder why, especially in the years after 55, it never fails that you get sick over the holidays? You are barely holding on and then everything hits the wall, including you. The holidays – with all of the festivities and cheer they hold for us, our children and grandchildren…

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