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Sally Dowling has had a long and exciting career in the travel industry and now enjoys freelance travel writing and guest blogging. She is a regular contributor to, a popular travel and review website for the over 50’s. Sally likes to seek out lesser known areas of popular destinations and to stay in small family run hotels. Please check out Sally's website here

Latest Posts By Sally Dowling

7 months ago

How Knitting Has Become a Big Part of My Life in My 60s

I can remember learning to knit as a small child and being delighted when I produced a hideous scarf, full of holes and dropped stitches and strangely wider at one end than the other. My real passion for knitting began when I was about 14…

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9 months ago

Saying Thank You to Others Can Change Their Lives – And Yours!

Do you appreciate a word of praise? Or enjoy giving praise where it is due? When I was working full time I realised the importance of praise and encouragement. Even now at my ripe old age, if someone tells me I am doing a good job, I feel elated…

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2 years ago

Have You Experienced the Power of Nostalgic Music? You Should!

All through my life I have listened to the radio and there are some iconic songs that immediately take me back in time. My first memories are of Perry Como singing “Magic Moments”. I must have only been around four or five years old when I first heard it…

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4 years ago

Getting Hacked Can Lead to Identity Theft and Worse! Here’s How to Protect Yourself

We all do our best to keep our computers secure. In fact, I woke up this morning to a useful link to a very handy guide on computer safety. But in my case it was like shutting the door after the horse had bolted. Read More

4 years ago

How to Cope with Sleepless Nights and Mid-Afternoon Slumps After 60

As I move through my 60s – somewhat bemused by my imminent ageing – I notice that my sleep patterns are changing. Are your sleep patterns changing with age? Gone are the days when I needed an alarm clock to wake me up…

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5 years ago

What Are Your Favorite Christmas Memories and Traditions?

Everyone remembers Christmas – the lucky ones amongst us will have fond memories of family traditions from an early age. Excitement begins to mount with the arrival of the Christmas tree and the boxes of decorations dug out of the attic. Our decorations go back generations…

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8 years ago

Turning 60 is a Gift: What’s Not to Love about Being a Fabulous Older Woman?

I feel I should highlight what I love about life in my 60s. It is only natural that as we get older certain things and situations will annoy us from time to time. But on balance there is so much more to enjoy and be grateful for…

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8 years ago

4 Things That Really Annoy Me in Our Modern World

Here in the UK we have a very funny TV show called “Room 101.” Readers may recall Room 101 originated in George Orwell’s novel 1984 as the place that subjected you to those things you fear the most. Read More

8 years ago

Why a Kenya Safari Should Be On Every Older Woman’s Bucket List

We all have a list of places we would like to see someday. Getting older, we suddenly realise the need to “Just Do It.” Read More

8 years ago

Hotels, B&Bs and Camping Sites: Where Do You Love to Stay When You Travel?

Being in the travel industry all my life has given me access to many different styles of lodgings. From large all-inclusive resorts to small family owned boutique style hotels and everything in between. Although I did draw a line at tents… camping is not for me! Read More