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Rose DeNaro is a successful Certified Life Coach, Educator, and Author who works with clients at her practice After numerous life transitions, she now works with clients to develop skills to make their reality better than their dreams! She would like to share that with you. Feel free to contact her for more information.

Latest Posts By Rose DeNaro

1 year ago

Sixty, Single, and Loving It!

I have worked on myself for many years; you might say it has been a life-long practice of mine. I got married young, 19, and have spent more than half of my life married. Therefore, when I found myself single, I made it my mission to date, meet men…

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1 year ago

Do You Have a Book in You?

Joseph Campbell said that if writing a book excites you and scares you at the same time, it might be a good thing to try. I love stories, of course, but never thought I would be writing one… or two, or three, or um… six…

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1 year ago

What Can You Do to Find Your Balance?

A beginning step to create a balanced life is to start by making some changes – small simple changes. It takes self-discovery to settle into who we are meant to be and really embrace it…

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1 year ago

Tossing and Turning – Or Sleeping and Dreaming?

Getting yourself to fall asleep can sometimes feel like a major struggle. Do you know that 40% of adults in the US report symptoms of insomnia at some point annually? The CDC states that insufficient sleep is a public epidemic…

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