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Rosanne Ullman has a long freelance writing career. She is the author of the children's picture book The Case of the Disappearing Kisses, an admin for the Facebook group "Grammar Matters," and the creator and instructor of the Write My Memoirs Grammar and Writing Course.

Latest Posts By Rosanne Ullman

3 years ago

No Blame, No Shame: Strengthen Your Relationships

There are bound to be differences of opinion between two people. You can love each other and still find yourselves fighting over where to go on vacation. And sometimes we say or do something that hurts the other person’s feelings and requires an apology…

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3 years ago

Is Cosmetic Eye Surgery Worth it for Older Women? Here Are the Pros and Cons, and the In-Betweens

To prepare my friends for my latest news – that my husband had cosmetic surgery on his lower eyelids – I say, “I have something to tell you, and afterward I’ll wait until you stop laughing.” But apparently, the joke is on me, because no one laughs…

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3 years ago

Want to Feel Relevant After 60? Serve on a School Board

Community service is a great way to put to use our six decades of wisdom, and typically any locality will offer plenty of opportunities for volunteers of all ages. But if you want to really amp up your impact, consider rolling your volunteering energy…

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4 years ago

Is Your Heart Healthy? Check Your Heart Valves!

February is Heart Month, which I never thought would concern me much. I already had a month – October, Breast Cancer Month. I’d had breast cancer in 2002 at age 48, so I thought that earned me a free health pass. And it did for a while…

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4 years ago

Recalling My Experience During Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Receiving a diagnosis of breast cancer is like staring down a huge, dark hole that you must jump into. You don’t know how far down you’ll drop or what awaits you when you get there. All you know is that it’s dark and, possibly, bottomless…

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4 years ago

Get Better at Tech by Embracing Fearlessness

“Nothing says ‘old fart’ more than not keeping up with technology,” a friend in her late 60s told me not long ago. I’m not sure I’d want to attach that label to the many people who feel intimidated by tech, but I do agree that “I’m too old…

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4 years ago

5 Life Hacks for Women with Small Heads

If body shaming ever extends to the very top of the body, I’m ready. No one makes fun of my tiny head more than I do. Head size isn’t exactly the problem. The circumference of my head is average. But apparently my ears are higher up…

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4 years ago

True Covid-19 Stories: What We Can Learn from These 3 Women Who Experienced It Firsthand and Survived

It’s likely that we all know someone who was diagnosed with Covid-19. In my case, three friends fell ill, and when I called them later on, essentially I wanted to know three things – how they’re doing now, whether their pandemic…

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4 years ago

Writing More Than Ever Before? Here’s Help to Keep from Mixing Up Words

A recent post on a Facebook group page devoted to the Coronavirus launched a discussion about the frustrating way a person who is “asymptotic” can still spread the virus…

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4 years ago

Daily Fashion to Lighten the Quarantine Burden

Life during the Coronavirus quarantine can be lonely and monotonous for women who normally use their local senior center as a hub for socializing…

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