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Rosanne Ullman has a long freelance writing career. She is the author of the children's picture book The Case of the Disappearing Kisses, an admin for the Facebook group "Grammar Matters," and the creator and instructor of the Write My Memoirs Grammar and Writing Course.

Latest Posts By Rosanne Ullman

2 years ago

Dear Son-in-Law-to-Be: A Letter

The role of mother-in-law is all over the place. As with most of your relatives, it’s not your choice to be related to the person who makes you a mother-in-law. But unlike your “blood” relatives, it is someone’s choice: your child’s. So this new person…

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2 years ago

The One Exhausting Thing About Moving

When we move from one home to another, we anticipate a learning curve. We expect that waking up those first few days will feel strange in that unfamiliar room, even if it’s in the same bed. We know we’ll have to set up yet one more kitchen…

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2 years ago

Life’s Clichés: What Do You Do When You Don’t Know Which Advice to Follow?

Maxims of life advice distinctly seem to contradict each other. I keep trying to sort out which recommendations to follow. So, where does that leave us as we start thinking about the New Year and quaint concepts like setting goals and making resolutions?

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2 years ago

7 Simple Holiday Hairstyle Tips for Mature Women

Thanksgiving, Christmastime, New Year’s – another holiday season is coming up, and many of us will be either hosting or attending a get-together of some sort. An easy way to get a few compliments…

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2 years ago

Chronically Late? 4 Strategies That Will Keep You on Time as a Mature Woman

“Wow, your hair smells really good.” It’s an odd thing for someone else’s husband to say to you, but it wasn’t the first time I’d heard it. And when the wife hugged me, too, as we all sat down to our restaurant meal that evening…

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2 years ago

How to Take Care of Your Hair in the Springtime

Every season has its hair issues. Spring is known for wind, sun, rain showers and, mostly, unpredictability. Depending on where you live, the air around you may be getting more humid or staying dry as always – and either one will affect…

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3 years ago

Don’t Worry: You’re Probably Nothing Special

At the end of every year, when my “valversary” rolls around, I’m grateful all over again. I had open-heart surgery for a mitral valve repair in December 2014, and the gratitude for good health ever since drives me to “pay it forward.” We all know the vast time…

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3 years ago

A Photo Book Idea to Preserve Your Home Memories

Even before the pandemic kept us stuck at home searching for new hobbies, an entire industry was mushrooming to help people create a modern version of the beloved photo album. From Shutterfly and Mixbook to Walgreen’s…

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3 years ago

Downsize Your Possessions – Your Way

The colonial furniture had made its way from my childhood bedroom to my first apartment and my next four places of residence, but now that I was downsizing and leaving my home of 36 years, it was time to say goodbye. In Marie Kondo fashion…

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3 years ago

How Important Is It to Make a Difference in Your 60s?

Have you always felt that you’re destined to do something great? In our 60s, we can wake up and think: it’s now or never. Maybe we want to leave our mark on our community or even the world. If we’re retired, we can make up for all of the volunteering…

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