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A nationally produced playwright and former media writer/producer, Romney Humphrey is the author of the humor/memoir "How I Learned I'm Old" and the blog "Female Formed" about the impact of female friendships. Her new book, “Women I’ve Loved – Lessons from Friendships that Changed a Life,” is now available in stores and online.

Latest Posts By Romney Humphrey

2 years ago

The Practice of Grace and Gratitude in 2022

The tough times keep getting tougher, rougher, and more challenging. This past year, all our best intentions have been applied, discarded, salvaged, and rebirthed in a somewhat muted, less enthusiastic form. We survived 2020…

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4 years ago

How to Connect with Young Grandchildren During the Covid Winter

As winter looms, many of us who’ve been able to socially distance with grandchildren outside are now grieving for the near future when the weather will prevent even that abbreviated interaction with our beloved progeny…

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4 years ago

Finding Joy During Covid – A Pessimist’s Guide

I’ve always been a full-fledged pessimist. Completely developed and continually active, nearly one hundred percent of the time. I wish it weren’t so, but it’s a genetic and environmental legacy. I come from negative, critical stock…

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4 years ago

The Life-Sustaining Value of Female Friendship During Covid

For most women, friends form the basis of our well-being. Sure, our partners may be on the front line, but, particularly for women over 60, friendships have great emotional heft. They form the basis of our social life and contribute…

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