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Rita Wilkins, known as The Downsizing Designer, is a nationally recognized interior design and lifestyle design expert, Tedx speaker and author of Downsize Your Life, Upgrade Your Lifestyle: Secrets to More Time, Money and Freedom. She challenges baby boomer audiences to reimagine, reinvent, redesign their lives to live abundantly with less. Learn more at

Latest Posts By Rita Wilkins

2 years ago

10 Lessons that Come from Living Outside of Your Comfort Zone

We all have dreams and bucket lists that we would like to accomplish in our lifetime. Seeing that most of us are past 60, we have likely completed many of them…

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3 years ago

Bring Back the Adventure, Freedom, and Fun That’s Been Missing from Your Life!

Have you noticed that your spirit of adventure has died and that you no longer jump out of bed to take on your day? What happened to that brave, bold, spontaneous woman you used to be? You know, the one who was passionate…

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3 years ago

Living Small but Having It All

Downsizing is on the minds of many baby boomers right now, but with that comes the concern that if you downsize your home, you might also be downgrading your life and your lifestyle. After all, you’ve become accustomed to more space…

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4 years ago

Make Yourself at Home… in Your Own Home

While 2020 was certainly trying for most of us, the Year of Covid can also be viewed as one that forced us to slow down and see our lives through a close-up lens. It shined a spotlight on what was working and also unmasked what…

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4 years ago

Silver Learnings or How Covid-19 Turned Out to Be the Best Thing That Happened to Me

Report card day. Remember? Handwritten teacher notes, academic grades, effort grades, and even “deportment” grades. Sitting at the kitchen table, our nightly tradition, Mom made one of our favorite casseroles…

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5 years ago

Are You “Dueling” with Clutter? How to Win the Battle and Get Your Life Back

Are you fighting a never-ending battle with clutter? If you think you are alone, you’re not! According to the National Association of Professional Organizers: 54% of Americans are overwhelmed by clutter…

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5 years ago

The Gift That Changed My Life… It Could Change Yours Too!

I was talking with a friend this morning who said, “I’m already exhausted… and the holiday season just began!” She went on to say that she barely had time to enjoy Thanksgiving because she spent so much time…

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