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Rita Wilkins, known as The Downsizing Designer, is a nationally recognized interior design and lifestyle design expert, Tedx speaker and author of Downsize Your Life, Upgrade Your Lifestyle: Secrets to More Time, Money and Freedom. She challenges baby boomer audiences to reimagine, reinvent, redesign their lives to live abundantly with less. Learn more at

Latest Posts By Rita Wilkins

8 months ago

The Hidden Life-Changing Power of Decluttering

Who could have guessed that the cathartic process of purging and decluttering one woman’s home one drawer, one closet, one room at a time could change the direction and trajectory of life forever? What began as an attempt to help…

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9 months ago

What Do You Do When You Want to Downsize – But Your Spouse Doesn’t?

As an interior designer for the past 35 years, I have had the opportunity to help baby boomers design their first, second and even third homes, their beach houses, mountain retreats, and country cottages…

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10 months ago

Downsized? How to Decorate Your New Smaller Home for the Holidays

At this stage of life, you’re looking forward to a simpler lifestyle with less clutter, more freedom, new friends, and new memories. Your kids are now grown and have left the nest. You might be single, widowed, or a couple. No matter what, holidays…

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12 months ago

How a Reverse Bucket List Can Reboot and Reignite Your Life and Your Career

One of the most talked about subjects of our time and at this stage of our lives, is how to successfully navigate uncertain times so we can not only survive, but thrive in life. In Bruce Feiler’s book, Life Is in the Transitions, he refers to times…

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1 year ago

A Comprehensive Guide to House Sharing: Making Your Home Roommate-Ready

House sharing can add a lot of fun and adventure to your life. It can also be a huge challenge if you’re not prepared. To make sure you and your roommates are comfortable, it’s important to make sure your home is roommate-ready. This comprehensive guide…

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1 year ago

Therapeutic Benefits of Decluttering Your Home and Your Life

Clutter. We’ve all experienced it on some level. Some of it is visible. Some of it is hidden from our sight. Physical and mental clutter have a funny way of creeping into our homes and our lives. Slowly but surely, we become inundated…

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1 year ago

Get Your Own House Back! Stop Being a Repository for Other People’s Stuff! (VIDEO)

If there is one thing we all noticed a little more of during the Covid lockdown, it was the amount of clutter we had accumulated and the impact it can have on how we feel in our own homes. Perhaps for the first time, you clearly felt the impact…

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1 year ago

Dare to Dream Again After Being Hit by a Life Quake

At some point in your life, you will go through “something.” That “something” could be the sudden death of a loved one, a nasty divorce, an unexpected financial crisis or a dreaded life slip. These “life quakes” are life-changing experiences…

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2 years ago

Decluttering? 10 Easy Steps to Get Started and Stay Motivated

Do you know what is the # 1 challenge people face when decluttering their home? Getting started. How about the # 2 challenge people face when decluttering their home? Well, that would be staying motivated…

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2 years ago

Lifestyle Trend Goes Mainstream as Baby Boomers Embrace Minimalism

There’s a cultural shift taking place right before our eyes. The generation that created consumerism is now embracing the idea of choosing to live with less… much less! For years, baby boomers’ big wallets and significant disposable income…

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