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Rita Call is a licensed CPA who performed audits of small businesses, employee benefit plans and non-profit organizations prior to retiring in 2015. After retirement, she started an internet business that sold flash drives with convenient and easy-to-use software for recording and storing personal and financial information.

Latest Posts By Rita Call

1 year ago

Consider Forgiveness for a More Peaceful Life After 60

It’s hard to get to retirement age without having been wronged or hurt at some time in our life. No matter the infraction, some individuals can forgive easily and move on with their life. But there are others of us who continue to hold a grudge…

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1 year ago

How Long Should You Keep Personal and Financial Documents?

If you are like many of us and recently found yourself sorting through numerous documents to find papers needed for your tax return, then you may be ready to get organized. Finding all the documents our accountant needs in order to prepare…

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2 years ago

What to Do in Retirement: 20 Serious (and Fun!) Things to Keep You Busy!

My best friend was forced into an early retirement. While she was within a year of wanting to retire anyway, it came as a bit of a shock when her job position was eliminated, and she was faced with trying to occupy the hours in the day…

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2 years ago

How to Safely Store Your Personal and Financial Information as an Older Adult

As I discussed in a previous article, having your personal and financial information readily available for your executor or loved one at the time of your death or incapacitation is one of the most thoughtful things you can do…

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2 years ago

No Matter How Healthy You Are, Preparing for Your Death Is Wise

I bet you couldn’t wait to read this article! This site has so many fun and interesting articles about living life to the fullest – and we should – but we should also make sure we have taken care of the business of our death…

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2 years ago

Have You Had “The Talk” with Your Adult Children?

If we haven’t already, we need to make sure we’ve had “the talk” with our children by the time we reach retirement. This does not refer to the infamous sex talk we have with our children during their pre-teen stage, but about our end-of-life…

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5 years ago

What to Do with Your Collectibles When Downsizing

I have written several articles and given presentations on the importance of getting your affairs in order for your loved ones prior to your death. In fact, I created a flash drive called My Affairs in Order that allows you to record financial and personal information for your family. Read More

6 years ago

5 Powerful Reasons to Give Bone Broth a Try

Bone broth, which is basically soup broth, has been around for centuries. Our ancestors used to keep a pot of broth over the fires to use in making meals. Making bone broth was a way of using every part of an animal so that nothing was wasted. It was an inexpensive and versatile source of nutrients. Read More

8 years ago

Do I Need a Trust? One of the Most Important Estate Planning Questions

While marketing a product I created, I often get asked these two questions: What is a trust? And, do I need a trust? Read More