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Rebecca Olkowski is a blogger, podcaster, and professional voice actor. She loves to travel, eat well, and find the joy in life. Rebecca is the founder of Her passion is to inspire fabulous women over 50 to enjoy vibrant, active good health, and to get out and experience what the world has to offer, even if it’s in their own backyard.

Latest Posts By Rebecca Olkowski

6 months ago

Do You Know Your Own City? 5 Benefits You Can Gain from Taking a Walking Tour

I love to travel. Yet because I have someone at home undergoing medical treatments, it’s been hard to leave town. Instead, I’ve been booking walking tours in my hometown of Los Angeles. It gives me a chance to get away, explore the city…

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8 months ago

How Have Your Dreams Changed Now That You’re Over 60?

Everyone dreams – even if you don’t think you do. Some dreams are vivid and some abstract. Have you ever thought to interpret them to see what they may mean? Often you can gain insight into what’s going on in your head…

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2 years ago

7 Actions You Can Take to Stop Past Mistakes from Ruining Your Mature Years

If you’ve lived to be 60 and over, you’ve probably made a few mistakes along the way. Do you find yourself looking back and wishing you hadn’t made them? I know I do sometimes. You may be thinking, “I wish I’d made better financial choices when I was younger…”

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2 years ago

5 Ways to Fend Off Chronic Illness or Make It More Manageable

I’ve noticed that a startling number of Baby Boomers I’ve known through the years have died from a chronic disease. It may be that I notice it more because I’ve friended them on Facebook. You get to know every detail about a person that way…

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2 years ago

Do You Still Compare Yourself with Others, Even in Your 60s?

You’d think that, after 60, we wouldn’t have a reason to compare ourselves with others. After all, we’ve already led full lives so why aren’t we comfortable in our own skin? The truth is, the comparison game is something many of us…

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4 years ago

You Won’t Believe How Some People Describe the Aging Process!

I attended a conference by The Atlantic called “The New Old Age.” It included a host of speakers in the Baby Boomer and beyond market, including 95-year-old Norman Lear. One of the topics that were discussed was how…

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4 years ago

Downsizing After 60: Are You Surrounded by Too Much Stuff and Need to Let it Go?

Is your home filled with mementos and paperwork, or your closets stuffed with clothes? Are you or a person you live with a hoarder? Read More

5 years ago

How Ikigai, a Japanese Key to Longevity, Will Add Purpose and Balance to Your Life After 60

Are you doing what you love and have a purpose that propels you to get up in the morning and pursue it? It’s believed that having a reason for being will extend your longevity and help you stay healthy. The Japanese call it “ikigai” (ick-ee-guy). Read More

6 years ago

7 Reasons Having a Network of Girlfriends is Important as We Age

Women tend to live longer than men, and there may come a time in the life of a couple when the wife is left all alone. This can be devastating if she’s been dependent on her spouse for emotional support when things go wrong. Read More

7 years ago

How to Rejuvenate Your Spirit After 60 with the Healing Power of Nature

We experience stress and frustration every day, but if it overwhelms us, we end up debilitated. Stress takes a toll on our psyche and bodies, especially as we approach our later years. Read More