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Rachelle is a qualified health, movement & wellbeing coach & her mission is to help people truly understand their amazing and unique body for life. Her Meant to Move online program is free for women new or returning to exercise.

Latest Posts By Rachelle Ballard-Clayton

3 years ago

What Is the Pelvic Floor and Why Should You Care? (VIDEO)

There’s been a lot of talk about the pelvic floor and how it weakens with age. Exercise has been said to help, but is that really the case? The pelvic floor is a group of muscles within the pelvis. These muscles act like a hard-working team to hold…

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3 years ago

7 Ways to Help Yourself Deal with Stress

Do you shove stressful feelings deep inside to deal with another day? Perhaps you bury yourself in work, or you compartmentalise stressful thoughts and lock them away in your mind? Do you behave in a destructive manner towards inanimate objects…

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3 years ago

What Are Your Gluteal Muscles and Why Are They Important for a Strong Body?

As well as causing muscle wastage, sitting for extended periods of time can be a huge drain on your overall health and wellbeing. Type 2 diabetes, bone wastage, and mental health issues are amongst some of the other side effects…

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4 years ago

Osteoporosis and Bone Density – What You Need to Know and How to Exercise

There is a ton of information out there concerning osteoporosis and bone density, but many of us aren’t exactly familiar with these terms. So, let’s start with some basic definitions…

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4 years ago

In the Clutches of the Hot Flushes – What Are They and What Can You Do About Them?

Are you experiencing hot flushes? Have you been through menopause, but still have the same symptoms? This is a very common occurrence. 75% of women report experiencing hot flushes from approximately age of 40 through to 80…

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4 years ago

Afraid to Begin Exercising? These Tips Will Help You Start Well

Has your doctor told you to become more active and take up some form of exercise? Are you left wondering what type of exercise to do and where to start?

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5 years ago

Resistance Training for Older Women? Yes, We Can Do It!

Everybody knows that regular physical activity and exercise play an important role in maintaining a healthy body at any age and more so for older adults…

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