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Rachelle is a qualified health, movement & wellbeing coach & her mission is to help people truly understand their amazing and unique body for life. Her Meant to Move online program is free for women new or returning to exercise.

Latest Posts By Rachelle Ballard-Clayton

8 months ago

Do You Breathe the Correct Way?

One of the most significant functions I check with new clients is their breathing patterns. As a result, I often find people take short, shallow breaths. They may also hold their breath when performing a strenuous task. There are many…

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10 months ago

What Is Joyful Movement and How Can You Accomplish It?

How do we find enjoyment in our daily workouts? What movement sessions are best? Is higher intensity movement better than more gentle modalities? These questions are often asked in classes. In truth, higher intensity movement…

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11 months ago

Mature Age Fitness – A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Started (VIDEO)

Think you are too old to move and work out? There are some definite biological differences between your 20s, 50s and 70s, and of course your life is different. You may have more responsibilities and less time for yourself…

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11 months ago

3 Ways to Practice Body Awareness and Prevent Falls (Video)

We develop body awareness in all stages of life, but unfortunately, we lose some of it as we age. In our later years, being able to understand and develop this awareness of where our body is in space can help with falls prevention, hand-eye coordination…

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1 year ago

The Importance of Good Reflexes and Reaction Times as We Get Older

Reflexes defend the body before you even realise the problem on a conscious level. They happen faster than a reaction to stimuli. For instance, if you don’t know something is hot and touch it, a reflex action kicks in, and you withdraw your hand…

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1 year ago

Brain Health and Aging: How Are They Related? (VIDEO)

The brain is a fascinating and mysterious part of the human anatomy. There is still much we don’t know about how the brain functions in its many varied ways. We lose brain cells as we age, and the dilemma of dementia and Alzheimer’s is increasing, worldwide…

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1 year ago

Morning Mindfulness Ritual – Do You Have One?

I was listening to a podcast where the participants discussed lifestyle medicine in the 3rd age, and how what we do in our daily routine can either inhibit or enrich our life and health. This had a profound effect on me…

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2 years ago

Can Menopause Affect Your Mental Health? Yes – But There’s Hope!

Some women experience moodiness, anxiety, and depression with the onset and different stages of menopause. This emotional upheaval can cause frustration and stress and can last for up to five years post-menopause. There are valid…

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2 years ago

How to Combine Cognitive Function and Exercise to Improve Your Brain Power

Exercise is good for the heart, bones, and muscles. Did you know it’s also good for the brain? Recent studies present exercise as a key player in preserving brain function as we age. Fit body…

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3 years ago

Do You Exercise with Weight Loss in Mind?

People exercise for various reasons. Some do it to feel good. For others, the purpose is bone strength or flexibility. Quality of life, weight loss, and building social connections are also among the most common reasons…

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