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Peter Keers is a writer and video blogger focusing on topics for the over-50 audience. Defining himself as a curious seeker, Peter’s interests range across both the art and the science of living an authentic and fulfilling life in the 21st century. See Peter’s eBooks on travel, long-term care, Medicare and other topics at

Latest Posts By Peter Keers

2 years ago

Long-Term Care Insurance: Let’s Cover the Basics

Shopping for long-term care insurance can be a complex process. There are many “moving parts,” so consumers need to educate themselves on finding the right policy for their situation. Think carefully about what you want out of a long-term care…

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3 years ago

Paying for Long-Term Care: Government Programs

In my last Sixty and Me blog, Paying for Long-Term Care: What Are the Options? I noted there are three sources of money to pay for long-term care: Your own money, government sources, and Insurance. This blog will cover more details about using…

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3 years ago

Paying for Long-Term Care: What Are the Options?

In my last Sixty And Me blog, Do You Need a Long-Term Care Plan? I noted there are three sources of money to pay for long-term care: your own money, government sources and insurance. Let’s look at the options we have when it comes to long-term care…

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3 years ago

Do You Need a Long-Term Care Plan?

Financial planning for retirement frequently ignores a huge subject area: planning for potential long-term care costs. Studies show that well over half of today’s 60-year-olds will eventually require some sort of long-term care. Yet, only about half of us…

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3 years ago

Can We Look at Assisted Living as an Aging in Place Option

The concept of “aging in place” has become popular over the years as lifespans have lengthened. Aging in place usually means living with a fair degree of independence in the community rather than in a residential facility….

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