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Penelope Jane Whiteley is the self-appointed Queen of Aging Disgracefully. A writer, international speaker, clothes designer, stylist and traveller, she helps other women to live their lives on their own terms. Her courses include “Lose 10 pounds in 10 minutes,” “The Reboot,” “Just Write the Damn Book.” Find her on, Twitter, and Facebook.

Latest Posts By Penelope Jane Whiteley

5 years ago

Age Appropriate Dressing? 4 Creative Ways to Bring Your Personal Style to Life After 50

There is a lot of information in books, magazines, blogs, online and on TV, on how to look more youthful and improve your sense of style. I have noticed that overall, they seem to cut off at 50. Read More

5 years ago

4 Simple Things You Can Do to Make New Friends When Travelling After 60

As we age, we often find it harder to make friends. Many of the friends we still have are those we made as children, teenagers, or as adults with small children…

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5 years ago

Always Dreamed of Writing a Book in Your 60s? Prepare Well and Find the Perfect Writing Space

If you have decided, now that you’re in your 60s, that this is a good time to finally write the book you’ve been promising for so many years you’ve lost count, you have to start with some very basic questions: how, why, where, and when? Read More

6 years ago

What Are the Best Ways to Cover Thinning Hair? We Have Answers!

Thinning hair and hair loss can be a devastating problem as we move on in years. I was reminded of this earlier today when talking to a lady at the station. “Your hair looks lovely,” I said. The reply was, “Oh, it’s dreadful; it’s so thin now.” She then regaled me with her morning routine which sounded exhausting – but her hair did look nice…

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6 years ago

How Jamie Lee Curtis Rocks the Magic of Short Hair for Women Over 50

Have you noticed how many celebrities seem to have zero ‘problems’ with grey hair as they age? Unlike the rest of us, who are often in a tizzy about what we should do with our grey hair. Read More

7 years ago

Become a Sleeping Beauty: 9 Steps to Better Sleep After 60

As we grow older, we seem to require less sleep, although it doesn’t always feel that way, especially when the alarm goes off! But in fact, this is not strictly true. If we once needed eight hours sleep a night, we still need the same amount of sleep as we age. Read More

8 years ago

Embrace the Magic of Aging to Boost Your Self-Esteem

The other day I found a variety of material on the topic of the magic of aging. It was one of those days when I was feeling particularly un-magical.

Having fallen up the stairs the previous night, I was licking my wounds. Anyway, it got me thinking and it’s true; there are so many aspects of aging that are truly magical. Read More

8 years ago

How to Give Your Aging Feet the Pampering and Love They Deserve

If you’re anything like me, fashion has been unkind to your feet over the years.

From pointed-toe stilettoes, to the towering heels and platforms of the seventies. Or the little ankle boots and high heel sneakers of the 80s. Who can forget the incredibly thick heels of the 90s moving back to the towering heels and platforms! Read More

8 years ago

7 Surprising Packing Tips from a 60-Year-Old Nomad

Deciding what to take with me when I travel has always been a challenge; so much so that I have even created my own detailed packing list. Unfortunately, it doesn’t do much good because I seem to travel to so many different places with so many different climates. Read More

8 years ago

Aging with Attitude: Daring to Be Different After 50

Many years ago, when I turned 50, I came to the realization that there are two distinct approaches to the aging process. In fact, they were so obvious and so disparate, that I chose to call my company Aging Disgracefully. Read More