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Penelope Jane Whiteley is the self-appointed Queen of Aging Disgracefully. A writer, international speaker, clothes designer, stylist and traveller, she helps other women to live their lives on their own terms. Her courses include “Lose 10 pounds in 10 minutes,” “The Reboot,” “Just Write the Damn Book.” Find her on, Twitter, and Facebook.

Latest Posts By Penelope Jane Whiteley

2 years ago

7 Fabulous Accessories That Add Flair and Style for Women Over 60

I was blessed with a mother who could take a scarf and a couple of cheap bangles and turn an inexpensive outfit into a fashion statement. It was a knack she acquired by watching her aunties…

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2 years ago

6 Things People Don’t Get About Life After 60

I have written this article in response to a gaggle of women, in their 50s, who should know better! These women made sweeping generalizations about life after 60, which were both fascinating and alarming. I say alarming, because these women..

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2 years ago

7 Healthy Aging Foods that Will Also Make You Happier

We always need good nutrition, no matter our age! But as we age, our diet begins to be of greater importance – in our lifestyle, our moods, how we handle menopause and post-menopause – and for remaining as youthful as possible for as long as possible…

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3 years ago

How to Express Your Inner Gratitude and Joy to the World

How often are we given something, anything, from another person’s time or shoulder (to cry on) to a bunch of flowers that make us smile and feel happy? How often do we take the time to really feel the gratitude? Not just say “thank you” and move on…

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3 years ago

Menopausal Issues Past 60? This Is Actually Normal

Let me start by saying sweats, flushes, flashes, whatever you want to call these side-effects of menopause, can last through to your 80s. You didn’t want to hear that, but it’s true. At 73 I still have hot flushes and they’re as bad now as back in my 50s. Why? The menopause just doesn’t know […]

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3 years ago

When Things Get Tough – Fight or Flight?

If you don’t remember The Jewel of the Nile, you’re too young to be reading this article. If you do remember The Jewel of the Nile, you’ll remember “When the Going Gets Tough.” Great song and Billy Ocean sounds the same today as he did then…

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3 years ago

Exploring Clothing for Hot Flashes: My Top 4 Natural Fabrics That Also Protect the Planet

This may seem an unusual article to write for women who are over 60, but, like me, there are still many women having to deal with some of the less pleasant effects of menopause. So, if you are one of those women and are still sweating, this little article…

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3 years ago

Have You Turned into a Lazy Old Lady?

Is it activity that keeps us young, or is it something else? Personally, I don’t believe it’s physical activity that keeps us young. There are some days when it can make us feel much older. You know what I mean; those days when everything aches, especially your knees!

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4 years ago

8 Things to Remember as We Age and Come to Terms with Hormonal Changes

Whether we want to lose or gain weight, we cannot ignore these facts. That is, unless we want to bury our heads in the sand, or we have discovered the secret to Eternal Youth and still have the body we had when we were 18!

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4 years ago

3 Essential Tools of the Trade for Applying Makeup After 50

A variety of brushes and other make-up applicators can help us apply makeup with more precision and subtlety. They can have a considerable impact on the way we look and investing in a set of superior quality brushes…

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