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Penelope Jane Whiteley is the self-appointed Queen of Aging Disgracefully. A writer, international speaker, clothes designer, stylist and traveller, she helps other women to live their lives on their own terms. Her courses include “Lose 10 pounds in 10 minutes,” “The Reboot,” “Just Write the Damn Book.” Find her on, Twitter, and Facebook.

Latest Posts By Penelope Jane Whiteley

2 years ago

5 Amazing Shapewear Selections and Other Fashion Over 50 Finds

We all acquire lumps and bumps and wobbly bits as we become women of a certain age. By the time we are 50, we start feeling and seeing the effects of gravity and the loss of elasticity in our skin. Even thin people lose this elasticity….

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2 years ago

Can Living in Fear Age You Faster?

Most of us would probably answer yes to that question, although there really isn’t any definitive physiological connection between psychological stress (fear) and premature aging. If you’re looking for a definition of fear…

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2 years ago

How Your Gut May Impact Your Alzheimer’s Risk

Did you know your gut bacteria affects your body’s metabolism? Research is showing that the bacteria in a healthy person’s gut is different to that in, for example, someone who is obese. A healthy gut contributes to a strong immune system…

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2 years ago

5 Things Every Woman Over 60 Should Quit Doing

Like me, you probably know all the dos and don’ts of being of a certain age – whether you believe them or apply them is another matter. All these items are key to my own learning to fly…

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2 years ago

10 Big Makeup Mistakes for Women Over 50… and What to Do About Them!

I know, it sounds very negative to write about the 10 biggest mistakes, as opposed to writing about the best makeup tips! But for me, the key to the best make-up at any age, is to follow the “Less is More” rule. This is especially true once we are over 50…

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2 years ago

The 6 Most Known Types of Dementia Any Older Adult Should Learn About

Before we go any further, let me start by saying that the risk of you having dementia as you age is much lower than you probably think. Nevertheless, dementia is the most feared condition in women over 55 which is…

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2 years ago

Does Looking for Work After 60 Make You Ask, “What’s Wrong with Me?”

Of course, the answer is, “Nothing.” There is nothing wrong with me just as there is nothing wrong with you – in case you were wondering. However, I am in the age group considered to be old and undesirable for employment…

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2 years ago

Tips and Tricks for Developing Your Shopping Style After 60

For most women, shopping is an inherited or possibly even genetic characteristic. We don’t need to take classes because most of us are born with a shopping degree. But we do need to follow certain guidelines if we are to be awarded…

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2 years ago

What Are Your Favorite Moisturizers for Dry, Mature Skin?

My skin is so dry, it’s embarrassing. I go to have my legs waxed, and the Italian beautician practically has a nervous breakdown over the state of my legs – and my feet! I don’t believe my skin could be any drier if I tried! I have what is called…

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2 years ago

Forget Brain Games! 14 Ways Reading and Writing Can Give Your Aging Brain a Boost!

Reading is a passion we can take into our old age and not worry about our performance! After all, it’s not a game we’re playing… we’re just keeping our brains functioning at optimum level. Let’s be clear…

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