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Peg Doyle is a healthy eating and lifelong wellness expert, recording artist, motivational speaker and author. She is passionate about the impact of quality food and a balanced lifestyle on women’s health. Her mission is to make healthy eating easy and appealing, using nourishment as a powerful tool for preventing the so-called diseases of aging. You can visit her website here

Latest Posts By Peg Doyle

3 years ago

Live Bolder as You Grow Older by Replenishing Your Energy Checking Account

Aging? Anti-aging? What’s your vocabulary, and what does it say about growing older? To me, the word aging suggests we’re going in the wrong direction, and anti-aging suggests we’re fighting against it tooth and nail. Neither feels quite right to me…

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3 years ago

When it Comes to Weight Loss After 60, You Have a Choice: Pleasure Now or Pleasure Later!

When it comes to living well, what gives you pleasure? Is it feeling good, having energy, being connected to people and things you care about? I’m guessing these are the things that give most of us pleasure. The thing is, none of these things comes…

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3 years ago

Why a Health Care Partnership in Vital to Your Future

As a holistic health counselor and bodyworker, I help mostly over-50 women figure out the best way to care for themselves. As we talk, what often comes up is a sense of disconnect when it comes to their relationship with their medical practitioners…

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3 years ago

5 Techniques for Making Healthy Food Affordable

How many times have you heard it’s too expensive to eat healthy? Perhaps you’ve said it yourself. Major manufacturers of processed foods and fast food companies would have you believe this. But the exact opposite is true…

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3 years ago

I Love My Body – Exploring the Power of Positive Affirmations

I love my body – really? Be honest, have you ever said that to yourself? Or is it more typical of you to say, “I hate my body,” or “I hate my thighs,” or “My breasts sag”? We lament the fact that we are not “perfect.” What would happen if you changed…

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3 years ago

How Locally Grown Food Can Improve Your Health After 60

In today’s world, we can get almost any food at any time of year. While this can broaden our choices, in some ways it is not an ideal way to eat. Two time-tested approaches to natural healing have their origins in Traditional Chinese Medicine…

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3 years ago

The Secret Power of Water and Why Boomers Can Benefit from It

While many of us crave for the secret sauce that will cause us to lose weight and have more energy, one item is often overlooked, and it is the simplest of all – pure water. You may hear that pomegranate juice, or grapefruit, or most recently, celery juice…

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3 years ago

Answering 4 Frequently Asked Nutrition Questions: Where Is the Truth?

To begin, let me say that the following answers are based upon my training and experience as a holistic nutritionist. Opinions on what’s best in nutrition are highly controversial which is the reason so many consumers are confused about making the best choices. Keep in mind that you are unique, and your genetics, lifestyle, age, […]

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4 years ago

7 Things to Consider When You Renovate Your Kitchen

Back in 2019, I purchased a condominium after renting for a year. Because of the short rent period I expected the move to be fairly simple as I’m not a big shopper or collector of things. Nonetheless, it was time-consuming and included…

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4 years ago

6 Secrets of Older Women Who Maintain a Healthy Weight

Even though diet books continue to reign as best sellers in the publishing industry, they really have nothing to do with staying slim. They are quick fix remedies that work if you strictly adhere to them, but doing so means you will be following someone…

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