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In 2004, after becoming a grandmother, Paula Usrey started an encore career as an associate professor of communication. She is also a speaker and workshop facilitator. Her topics include communication and personal life planning. In July 2017, she gave her first TEDx Talk: Your Best Life at Any Age. Please visit her website here

Latest Posts By Paula Usrey

6 years ago

Where Are All of the Wise Elder Women Role Models for Women Over 60?

Last year, one of my sons bought me an Amazon Echo Dot for my birthday. A couple of decades ago, I would never have imagined having a virtual assistant that knows my name and can play my favorite music on command. Read More

7 years ago

Thinking About Retirement? Here’s How to Find Your Own North Star and Get More from Life

Last year, I met with two of my retired friends for a Saturday afternoon glass of wine. Both had retired within the previous two years. Read More

7 years ago

Aging Ain’t What it Used to Be… Let’s Change Aging Perceptions Together!

I once had a speech student who argued that drivers over 60 were putting everyone else on the road at risk. He then proposed that any ‘old’ person over 60 should be forced to reapply for their driver’s license and have additional restrictions on where ‘old’ people could drive if they earned a new license. Read More