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Patrick O'Malley is a guitar teacher, author, and instructor. He is passionate about the impact of learning an instrument (particularly guitar), and over 12k students have taken his online courses. Patrick can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Patrick O'Malley

2 years ago

Does Learning a Musical Instrument Maintain Brain Health?

Learning to play a musical instrument is something that many of us have considered doing at some point. As well as being fun and providing a great sense of achievement, there are many health benefits of playing an instrument…

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3 years ago

3 Tips for Staying Positive Despite the Restrictions

I want to share three quick tips with you to help you stay positive over the coming months. Whether you are in lockdown, concerned about the possibility of future restrictions, or just missing family or friends that you can’t see in person…

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4 years ago

Can You Still Enjoy or Play Music If You Suffer Hearing Loss?

Does a loss of hearing prevent you from listening to or playing a musical instrument? It’s a question I hear all the time. The answers can be quite surprising, but before we jump in too far, let’s examine the phenomenon of hearing loss…

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4 years ago

Is Now the Best Time to Learn a Musical Instrument?

We have all seen our lives change due to the Coronavirus. Whether we are in lockdown, observing reduced contact with others (social distancing), or even just pondering the effects…

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4 years ago

How Your Response to Coronavirus Can Make You a Better Person

The Coronavirus has changed all our lives. Whether this means canceling a trip, traveling less, working from home, or not visiting family members, its effect is profound…

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