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Pamela McAlpine is a Rapid Transformational Therapist. Through online sessions, she helps people all over the world transform or enhance their lives quickly, simply and permanently. Contact Pamela at or visit

Latest Posts By Pamela McAlpine

10 months ago

3 Steps to Offload the Mental Baggage You Are Carrying Around After Six Decades of Living

Baggage comes in all shapes and sizes – it can be excess weight, low self-esteem, dysfunctional relationships, depression, anxiety – the options are endless. We all think we should have life sorted by the time we get to 60…

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5 years ago

When Chocolate Cake Calls, Do You Ignore It or Enjoy It Mindfully?

New Year 2020 has come and gone, and many of the resolutions undertaken with such gusto have already been abandoned. It doesn’t take much to derail the train, does it?

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