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Dr. Noelle Nelson is a psychologist, consultant and speaker. She is passionate about personal growth and happiness. She’s authored over a dozen books including The Longevity Secret: How to Live Happy, Healthy & Vibrant Into Your 70s, 80s, 90s and Beyond and Phoenix Rising: Surviving Catastrophic Loss: Fires, Floods, Hurricanes and Tornadoes. Visit her at

Latest Posts By Noelle Nelson

5 years ago

How Dancing Can Improve Your Physical and Mental Well-Being After 60

Have you ever been listening to music as you’re fixing dinner or doing dishes, and found yourself doing the “two-step” or just “movin’ to the groove”? Well, whatever you called it, you were doing something potentially very beneficial for your body and mind. Read More

6 years ago

Why Saying “I Can” Can Make You a Winner in Your 60s

A friend and I were watching the Wimbledon finals on TV, clapping and cheering through every match. After the tournament, she leaned in to me and said, “Oh, how I wish I could play tennis. It’s such a great sport.” Read More

6 years ago

How to Be an Adventurous Lover of Life in Your 60s by Saying, “I Can!”

Beyoncé has a famous song – perhaps her most famous – called “All the Single Ladies.” I’d like to retitle it “All the Senior Ladies.”

This does not come as a call to get a guy to marry you, which is the theme of Beyoncé’s song, but as a call to be adventuresome. If you like it, go for it. Whatever that “it” might be. It could be sky-diving, cycling, Tango, going back to school or painting. Read More

6 years ago

5 Ways to Make the Most of the Advantages of a Long Life

Being blessed with the gift of long life has its advantages: you get to watch your grandkids grow, you have the joy of more sunrises and sunsets. You may even explore hobbies you never had time for…

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6 years ago

How to Give Your Body the Attention it Deserves After 60 by Finding an Exercise Program You Love

Your body is a sentient being. It isn’t just a set of clothes you wear over your mental and emotional self. Your body responds in a dynamic, continuous way to your every thought and feeling. This is confirmed in study after study. Read More

6 years ago

Embrace Each Stage of Your Personal Journey After 60

Last year, the magazine Allure took a courageous step forward on behalf of all women. It will no longer use the term anti-aging in its publication, thus accepting that moving through time is a natural process, to be celebrated and appreciated for its own virtues, not something to battle against.

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7 years ago

Discovering a New Way of Volunteering in Retirement: Do What You Love and Share It with Others

With the holidays upon us, it is a wonderful idea to find time to honor the holiday spirit by volunteering. Read More

7 years ago

Switch Your Focus to Relieve Thanksgiving Stress

Ah, Thanksgiving! A time of celebration, of gratitude and family get-togethers.

For some, getting together with extended family is a joyous tradition. For others, it’s joyous only some of the time. Not all family is created equal, however. Read More

7 years ago

What Babies Can Teach Us Over 60s About the Power of Smiling

Smiling contributes significantly to your happiness, health and longevity, so the research tells us.

Yeah, right, I’m thinking, when my dance teacher commands us to “Smile!” even as I am contorting my body into a completely unnatural position. If this choreography doesn’t kill me first sure, I’ll smile! Read More

7 years ago

What’s Holding You Back from Finding Happiness After 60?

One of my favorite TV ads these days is of two ladies, grey and white haired respectively, who walk into Walgreen’s and purchase a variety of sunscreen ointments. Read More