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Dr. Noelle Nelson is a psychologist, consultant and speaker. She is passionate about personal growth and happiness. She’s authored over a dozen books including The Longevity Secret: How to Live Happy, Healthy & Vibrant Into Your 70s, 80s, 90s and Beyond and Phoenix Rising: Surviving Catastrophic Loss: Fires, Floods, Hurricanes and Tornadoes. Visit her at

Latest Posts By Noelle Nelson

3 years ago

When Injury Strikes After 60, Will You Give Up or Get Going?

My knee hurts. I don’t know what awkward dance move I made to stress the darn thing, but the bottom line is – it hurts. As I tape it up before going to sleep, I grumble about it, which, of course, does no good whatsoever…

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3 years ago

The Simple Power of Gratitude

Gratitude. A simple word. One we think we understand, and in the general sense, we do. But what we often fail to understand is the power of gratitude in our lives. Not just the feel-good power, but the actual benefit to our very practical, everyday lives…

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3 years ago

The “Three Things!” Approach to Exceptional Longevity

It’s long been a truism of scientific research that optimists – people with a hopeful and positive outlook on life – are healthier, happier, and live longer. However, a recent study takes this finding one step further, stating that optimists…

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3 years ago

“I Think I Can,” the Words of Every New Learner

When I was a little girl, I remember my father reading me a bedtime story, The Little Engine That Could, over and over and over again. Not by his choice, but because I requested it over and over and over again. The words “I think I can” became embedded…

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3 years ago

Could 60 Be the Best Time to Rethink How We Handle Stress? Yes – Here’s Why!

Women are different from men physically, mentally and emotionally – that’s no big surprise. We know it from personal experience, which science has then supported over many years. No surprise either that women handle stress differently from our male…

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3 years ago

How to Find the Right Exercise You Love

By now, it is common knowledge that exercise is not only how to keep our bodies fit and healthy, but also how to keep our brains in good shape, especially as we move forward into our 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond. Study after study confirm that physical…

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3 years ago

Passion Is Not Just for the Young

Passion. A word one usually associates with romance, and often with youth. But romance is not passion’s only playing field, and passion is certainly not reserved for the young. Passion is, in fact, a primary factor in keeping one young…

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3 years ago

#1 Reason Why Older Women Should Care About Finding Their Purpose and Passion

What gets you out of bed in the morning? Do you do it because you “have” to, as in, it’s what one does, or is it because you can’t wait to return to something you absolutely love to do? How you answer this question has a surprising impact…

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3 years ago

How a Shift in Perspective Can Improve Your Health and Longevity

The day I had to take the car keys away from my mother was traumatic. For both of us. Coming home from doing errands, my mom missed the driveway entirely and drove right up onto the front lawn. Mortified, she announced to me, “Your father’s going to kill me.”

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3 years ago

Self-Compassion and The Art of Success

Self-compassion. An odd term, perhaps, but a necessary one. We are too often willing to show compassion for others, but reluctant to express the same compassion for ourselves. We readily confuse self-compassion with a “woe is me” attitude, license to indulge…

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