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Molly Wisniewski has cared for older adults living with dementia for over ten years. She is a recent graduate of the Erickson School, UMBC where she received her M.A. in the Management of Aging Services. Her blog Upside to Aging is dedicated to sharing an alternative and more positive side to aging.

Latest Posts By Molly Wisniewski

12 months ago

5 Reasons Why Adopting a Pet in Retirement May Be Right for You

Socialization is fun, and many reports state that remaining active and social as older adults can keep us healthy and help us to live longer. But what happens when it’s no longer just as simple as hopping in the car and going?

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1 year ago

5 Senior Living Alternatives: Finding a Home that Fits Your Lifestyle

But what are the best ways to sort through all of the new trends to find the housing option that best suits your lifestyle? Since we all can’t caravan, here are five senior living alternatives to suit any unique style!

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1 year ago

5 Easy Summer Recipes: Take the Stress and Mess Out of Cooking This Year

Everyone seems to be concerned with healthy eating these days. And for a good reason! With so many hidden ingredients in our foods, it’s hard to ever really know for sure what we are putting into our bodies. Thankfully, the warmer seasons offer us…

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2 years ago

6 Ways to Adopt a Daily Self-Care Routine After 60

Society today is all about giving. Giving your time to a job, offering resources to a cause, giving your attention to the needs of family and friends. And while these things can be rewarding, it leaves little time for us to focus on our own needs…

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3 years ago

How the 5 Senses Can Help Loved Ones Living with Dementia

Our memories mean so much to us. They provide us with a sense of self and stand as a reminder of the journey we have taken in this life. And the memories we share with the people closest to us become an intricate piece of our identity…

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3 years ago

Stuck Inside this Winter? Here Are 5 Fun and Easy Ways to Stay Active!

With winter on the way, staying active becomes increasingly hard to do. Between preparing for the holidays and the higher likelihood of severe weather, many of our favorite walking groups will part ways until the next spring season…

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3 years ago

4 Ways to Pamper Yourself in Retirement without Breaking the Bank

We spend years dreaming about our retirement. All of the things we will do, and all of the time we will have to do them, are often the center of these aspirations. Still, many people report that all of the free time they thought they would have…

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4 years ago

Taking a Walk Down Memory Lane with an Alzheimer’s Patient

Caring for a loved one with dementia or Alzheimer’s can be an emotional and exhausting process.

A typical day is consumed by activities of daily living, medical care, and the everyday struggles associated with memory loss. When lost in the haze of our daily routine, it can be all too easy to miss out on opportunities to spend quality time with each other. Read More

6 years ago

5 Ways to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

As the year winds down, I am reminded of all the New Year’s resolutions I didn’t stick to over the year. How do I remember? Because I’ve started to create a new list for the incoming year and the resolutions are exactly the same: Read More

7 years ago

4 Reasons to Move Your Loved One Into a Nursing Home

Whether it is a parent, spouse or close friend or family member, deciding to move them into a nursing home can be an emotional one. Read More