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Mike Pukanic, MD, has over 40 years of medical experience. He advocates the use of vitamins to supplement a healthy lifestyle and believes our bodies work best with the right nutrients. Dr. Mike is passionate about everyone being able to live their healthiest life, so he developed Fontanella, a prescription quality wellness formulation, made in Australia from premium ingredients sourced with integrity.

Latest Posts By Mike Pukanic

4 years ago

How Intentional Socialising Can Improve Your Memory

If you’re the type of person whose calendar is filled with activities from walking groups to webinars and the thought of spending a night in front of the TV sends you into a complete tailspin, then keep on doing what you’re doing, because it seems…

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4 years ago

Could Increasing Antioxidants Decrease Your Anxiety?

As many countries around the globe enter a second (or even third) phase of Covid-19 restrictions and lockdowns, many of us are asking how we will cope, mentally and physically, this time around. We know that for many people…

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4 years ago

3 Signs Your Memory Might Be Failing You

Do you ever find yourself in a fluster searching frantically for your phone, your wallet, or a set of keys that appears to have magically disappeared into thin air? If you do, you are certainly not alone. Every day, men and women of all…

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4 years ago

Set Your Desire on Fire (At Any Age!)

I like affection. Maybe it’s my European heritage, but hugging, kissing, and public displays of affection have always been part of my life. I have never shied away from giving my wife a little kiss or cuddle in public!

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4 years ago

Chicken Soup for the Immune System

My wife is recovering from the flu. I know she is feeling better because she is bustling around the kitchen making her grandmother’s chicken soup, a highly guarded secret recipe. Then she suddenly turns to me and asks, “Where exactly…

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4 years ago

Happy, Healthy, and Post-Menopausal

Do you remember when sport was actually fun? The days when getting out and playing sports with our friends was effortless and we were full of energy seem like a long time ago! Staying healthy when we were 16 was definitely fun…

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