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Michelle Hill is a Relationship Deception Recovery Mentor specializing in helping women reach healing and wholeness after relationship deception. She is also the author of 5 books, including The Heart Swindler-Reclaim Your Heart and Stop Falling for Liars, Losers, and Lunatics, and two award-winning children’s books.

Latest Posts By Michelle Hill

7 months ago

6 Musts Baby Boomers Need to Consider When New to Online Dating

It seems like at every stage of life we say, “Well, they’re at that age.” Whether it’s teething, or asking why every five seconds, or moodiness, or midlife blues, or reinventing ourselves. In our 60s, we’re at that age where we often find ourselves newly divorced…

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8 months ago

5 Not-So-Easy Ways to Navigate Around a Narcissist

It is a challenging journey to navigate around a narcissist, yet it is a necessary step towards reclaiming your emotional autonomy. Let’s face it: those of us in our 60s and beyond have weathered the storms of relationships, whether married or single…

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9 months ago

5 Actionable Approaches to Gain the Upper Hand Over Loneliness

As part of humanity, we all experience loneliness occasionally. I know I have. When I was first divorced in 2000 and found myself spending major holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas alone for the first time, I didn’t know what to do with myself…

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10 months ago

4 Self-Healing Strategies to Manage Adult Child Estrangement

The first year after it happened, I was devastated. It was Mother’s Day and both my son and daughter, then in their late 20s, were using drugs and alcohol. I waited and waited for the call. Like all day. Nothing. I remember standing in the shower that night…

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10 months ago

5 Ways to Safeguard Your Heart in the World of Online Romance Scams

I’m going to start this article with my vulnerability hanging out. There’s no bra that holds vulnerability in and no underwire that can prop it up. It’s scary, and yes, my shoulders are a bit above my chin right now. But there’s strength in vulnerability…

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