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In her 60th year Meryl is delighted to be launching a new business and a new life. She is combining her love of rug hooking and creativity with her experiences as a homeopath and breast cancer survivor. Meryl Cook teaches Hook a Healing Mat workshops and works privately with women to design and hook their own healing mats. Meryl is available to speak about discovering your voice and your way forward in your third act. Meryl is the author of One Loop at a Time, a story of rug hooking, healing and creativity. Visit her website

Latest Posts By Meryl Cook

7 years ago

Positive Post Surgery Care: 5 Tips for Surviving and Thriving After Your Treatment

When I woke from surgery for breast cancer there was a painting of a dragonfly on the ceiling above my bed. One ritual I developed to help myself prepare for surgery was to walk on the beach daily. Read More

8 years ago

A Wake-Up Call from Your Soul: Reinventing Your Life After 60

Hello, it’s your soul calling. I’ve arranged a special event for you. This event will remind you to check in with me, to nourish me to see how I am doing. Read More