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Maureen Atkinson is Founder of Lifeshiift, an online community that supports women in their third act to live healthy vibrant lives. An active role model, she inspires members that age should not limit new experiences and adventures through her speaking, blogs, and videos. You can reach Maureen at

Latest Posts By Maureen Atkinson

8 months ago

Death: Life’s Final Transition

It’s Halloween season! I know because a walk down the streets of our quiet neighbourhood means bumping into a few skeletons if not disembodied heads. While this is the time for us to think about the light side of death, our western attitude…

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12 months ago

Tackling the Fear Zone of “I Can’t”

Have you ever had a great idea about something new you wanted to try or place you wanted to go and then immediately thought, “I can’t possibly do that.”? We are very creative with our excuses…

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1 year ago

Ageism – Are Old Women Their Own Worst Enemies?

We have all seen commercials like this one before… Three older women in an empty restaurant, confused and asking, “Where is the bacon?” I wanted to shout, “Where’s the representation?” Is that how companies think older women should look and behave?

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