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Mary Salisbury is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® and Divorce Mediator and the founder of The Right Divorce Solution, LLC. Mary helps clients understand the long-term financial implications of property division, child support and alimony. Mary’s passion is to help couples and individuals have a financially smart and emotionally kinder divorce.

Latest Posts By Mary Salisbury

2 years ago

Keeping the Marital Home in Divorce Can Be a Mistake

Keeping the marital home can be one of the biggest financial mistakes made in divorce. Many times, the reasons are emotional, and the costs, both financial and timewise, aren’t given enough consideration. There are both good reasons to keep…

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2 years ago

Social Security Benefits and Divorce

Did you know that if you were married for at least 10 years, you may be able to claim Social Security benefits based on your ex-husband’s work record? This is particularly important for women who were stay-at-home moms who had a shorter work history…

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