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Mary Lou Harris is a proponent of active living, community volunteerism and inquisitive travel. After a post age 60 retirement from a career in public service, she expanded those interests to include ultra-trail running, hiking and extended-stay travel. She can be contacted through her website or on Twitter at @stillarunner.

Latest Posts By Mary Lou Harris

5 years ago

4 Profound Life Lessons Learned from a 102-Year-Old Woman

Occasionally, an online magazine geared to healthy living for older adults pops into my mailbox. I believe it originally came to me as a courtesy after participating in the Delaware Senior Games…

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5 years ago

Old to Me, New to You! The Art of Consignment Buying and Selling

Over the years, I have purchased my fair share of clothing from second-hand sources, varying from the Goodwill store to upscale designer consignment shops. In doing so, I have watched dramatic changes in this market…

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5 years ago

Can Forest Bathing Make Your 60+ Body Feel Less Stressed and More Healthy? You’d Be Surprised!

Every now and then I run across information that I intuitively understood but didn’t consider on an intellectual level. My most recent experience with this phenomenon occurred at a recent lecture titled “Wellness in Your Woods…”

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6 years ago

The Beauty of Dancing Grandmothers Across Global Cultures

I recently considered returning to dance as an alternative or supplement to the running and hiking I love. I began to explore a bit, determining whether traditional ballroom might do, or perhaps something more group-oriented. Zumba, anyone? Read More

6 years ago

The Truth Is Stunning: No Age Limits for Marathon Runners

I continue to be amazed by the energy, commitment, and accomplishments of women in the 60s. A new study appeared in my inbox, once again confirming this trend. Read More

6 years ago

What Motivates 60+ Women Runners: 4 Factors That Will Excite You to Follow Your Passion in 2019

As the year closes, I’m taking some time to acknowledge the talent and hard work of senior women runners. There are more than a dozen new national or world age group records and many more pending. Read More

6 years ago

7 Gift Giving Ideas for the Senior Fitness Fanatics

Do you have a few blank spaces next to the names of friends and relatives who continue – or have begun – to pursue exercise or athletic endeavors in their senior years? Read More

6 years ago

Get More from Travel After 60 with Vacation Study or Topic Tour

There are a number of ways older adults can benefit from the warmth of the Caribbean Islands as well as those in the Pacific. Read More

6 years ago

How Taking Part in a Track Competition Is a Metaphor for Life After 60

As a distance runner, the track world was a mystery to me. A recent experience, my first track meet competition, was daunting and something I approached with apprehension. Read More

6 years ago

What Watching the Royal Wedding Taught Me About Finding Serenity in Solitude

Like many who are not close watchers of all things royal, I did make an exception and watched the recent wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. I planned to watch for the pageantry, to admire the hats and to see the royal family and the finely-dressed A-list guests. Read More